Lathe fork of theProcess tooling and 3d solid modeling.
关键词 生产制造;夹具设计;CAD绘图
With the continuous development of reform and opening up and the continuous improvement of science and technology, the demand of modern machinery processing enterprises for production efficiency is on the increase. Therefore, the development of large-sum and high-volume products is the development trend of modern production. The background of this graduation project is temporarily opened up in such a situation. design of the parts involved in the design is generally supporting the role of components, to bear a certain load of external forces to maintain the appropriate space within the components location.
Parts processing Graduation design involves a little more relevant content, parts processing technology is the theoretical class of toner, technical courses and professional knowledge of the whole lesson is to learn the basis of parts processing industry, and held on the basis of training carried out. This graduation project is a total review of all the courses in our university, but also a combination of theory and practice. Therefore, it occupies a key place in my own learning life. In accordance with the graduation project to strengthen the theoretical knowledge of learning, and theoretical knowledge and practice, lay a solid foundation for my future work.
This graduation project enables our students to apply the underlying theory of component processing as a whole and to analyze and process the process documentation independently of the engineering knowledge gained during the product-manufacturing internship. So that our students have the design of a medium difficult parts manufacturing process planning strength and grasp the application of clamping mechanism design of the basic theory and methods, while familiar with and application of design guidelines, design standards and other technical literature and writing technical documents ability. Through this design, I learned the past knowledge "mechanical design", "mechanical principle", "mechanical manufacturing base", "mechanical engineering materials" particularly good organic series together.
Key words manufacturing clamping mechanism design CAD drawing
零部件的主要要求 :
零部件材料采用:灰铸铁200在运行过程中起到支托作用,所遭受的负载并不大。根据数据结果并联系相关文献,可以确认其生产类型符合大量生产的条件。零部件的外轮廓平面尺寸中等,故可采取金属材料模具机械砂芯铸造工艺,如此这样有益于提升加工效率,确保制造品质, 加强零件的加工质量,可以有效的提高绩效的工作进度以及使用性能和寿命。

目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 零部件分析 5
1.1零部件的功能 5
1.2零部件的加工分析 6
1.3零部件的生产类别 6
1.3.1零件毛坯确定 6
1.3.2零件毛坯尺寸的判断 6
2 生产工艺设计 8
2.1加工流程分析 8
2.2定位特征的正确选择 8
2.3拟订加工路线 9
2.4工艺流程图设计 10
2.5加工用量计算 11
3夹具设计 24
3.1机械工装概括 24
3.1.1机械工装的定义 24
3.1.2机械工装的功能 24
3.1.3机械工装在机床加工中的功用 24
3.2机械工装的发展倾向 25
3.2.1机械工装的情况 25
3.2.2现在机械工装的发展倾向 25
3.3 定位设计 26
3.3.1 定位的判断 26
3.3.2 定位精度的计算 26
3.4 夹紧结构及夹紧元件的判断 27
3.4.1夹紧装置中夹紧结构的具体设计 27
3.4.2夹紧设计的具体要求 28
3.4.3夹紧力方向和位置的判断 28
3.4.4夹紧元件的判断 30
3.4.5夹紧力大小计算 30
3.5 夹具体的具体设计 31
3.6装配图的具体设计 33
致谢 37
参考资料 38