摘 要
Crankshaft is one of the most important movement mechanisms of many mechanical equipment. It turns the reciprocating straight motion of the piston into a rotating motion, which changes the gas pressure of the piston into torque, which is used for mechanical and engine auxiliary systems to work. With the rapid development of crankshaft industry, how to improve the production capacity and quality of crankshaft has become the top priority. The main contents of this design are, according to the technical requirements of the processed crankshaft, the design of process regulations is carried out, the basic principles and methods of fixture design are used, the fixture design scheme is drawn up, and the fixture structure is completed. The main work in this design is understand the structural features and technical requirements of the parts, according the characteristics and requirements to draw the product parts drawing, analyze the parts and the process, determine the types and manufacturing methods of the blanks, draw up the process for the machining of the parts, and select the processing equipment and work of each process art equipment, determine the processing allowance and process size of each process, calculate the cutting amount and time quota of each process; fill in the process card; design the special fixture for the specified process; draw the assembly general drawing and the main part drawing; draw the 3D assembly modeling drawing and the part modeling drawing; write the graduation design instruction manual. Through this design, it can be clearly seen that reasonable process arrangement and appropriate machining parameters can effectively improve the manufacturing capacity of crankshaft.
Keywords: Crankshaft processing; processing technology; crankshaft turning fixture; lathe fixture design
l)"∅55mm两轴径同轴度公差为∅0.03mm" 。
2)"1:20锥度部分对A-B轴心线同轴度公差为∅0.03mm" 。
3)"三个拐径分别对A-B轴心线平行度公差为∅0.03mm" 。
4)"热处理,人工时效处理227~270HBW" 。
5)"三拐曲轴材料为QT600-3" 。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题所涉及技术领域的基本情况 1
1.1.1 机械制造技术的发展 1
1.1.2 夹具行业的发展 1
1.1.3 制造技术的发展趋势 2
1.2 曲轴零件的特点及其加工方法 2
1.3 设计课题要达到的设计目的 2
第2章 可行性分析 4
2.1 零件分析 4
2.1.1 零件的工艺分析 4
2.1.2 零件图样分析 4
2.1.3 材料选择 5
2.2 毛坯的确定 6
2.2.1 确定毛坯的制造形式 6
2.2.2 铸造的加工余量及尺寸公差的确定 6
2.3 三种夹具方案设计 7
2.3.1 方案一夹具方案 7
2.3.2 方案二夹具方案 8
2.3.3 方案三夹具方案 9
2.4 加工工艺方案及可行性论证 9
2.4.1 初设三种工序方案 9
2.4.2 加工工艺方案一可行性论证评价 14
2.4.3 加工工艺方案二可行性论证评价 14
2.4.4 加工工艺方案三可行性论证评价 14
2.5 夹具方案可行性分析 14
2.5.1 技术方面 14
2.5.2 制造方面 15
2.5.3 知识储备 15
2.5.4 经济性方面 15
2.5.5 结论 15
第3章 工艺规程设计计算 17
3.1 三拐曲轴设计计算 17
3.1.1 基面的选择 17
3.1.2 粗基准选择 17
3.1.3 精基准的选择 17
3.1.4 加工工序的计算 17
3.2 夹具设计计算 29
3.2.1 问题的提出 29
3.2.2 定位基准的选择 29
3.2.3 定位元件的设计 29
3.2.4 切削力及夹紧力计算 29
3.2.5 定位误差分析 30
3.2.6 配重质量计算 31
3.3 绿色制造 32
第4章 产品使用与维护 33
4.1 夹具定位和夹紧 33
4.2 夹具的安装 33
4.3 夹具的使用过程 33
第5章 毕业设计特色专题 34
5.1 建模方法 34
5.2 零件建模 34
5.2.1 分度盘建模 34
5.2.2 回转盘建模 35
5.2.3 V型块建模 35
5.2.4 弧形压板建模 35
5.2.5 端盖建模 36
5.3 装配仿真 36
结 论 38
参考文献 39
致 谢 41