As the engine crankshaft key components to withstand shock loads and passing the role of power in the engine . Due to the harsh working environment crankshaft withstand complex torque and bending loads , and also the wear resistance in high-speed rotation , diesel engine crankshaft is an important part , crankshaft machining performance will directly affect the quality of the diesel engine . The proposed process route is very important to the crankshaft machining , it not only affects the processing quality of the crankshaft, but also have an important impact on process efficiency and the rational use of machinery and equipment .
After a period of study , on the basis of existing knowledge , through the consideration of various factors , combined with China's existing machinery to weave a reasonable crankshaft machining processes. The design of key processes are described , inspection and processing manual processing calculations, complete the process of card for roughing fixture design. Route carried on the elaboration process , focusing on manufacturing processes will be described , including roughing, semi-finishing , finishing, heat treatment. Also focus on the process described, including surface hardening process , crankshaft balancing process , crankshaft grinding process .Complete parts drawing and assembly drawing,find relevant foreign languagedocuments and translate them。Finally,the thesis is sorted out and the result are summarized.
Keywords : crankshaft, process analysis , process arrangements , processing quality
(1) 毛坯锻造后,应进行调质处理.,确保硬度为HRC28-34。
(2) 曲轴主轴表面和连杆表面都须采取淬火处理,控制淬火层深度范围在3-7mm内,保证硬度范围为HRC28-34。
(3) 当曲轴用两最外侧主轴颈支撑时,主轴颈轴心线与连杆轴轴心线的不平行度允许误差为0.01mm,大端飞轮轴的跳动允许误差为0.025。
(4) 各个连杆轴中心线相互之间的偏移允许误差为 。
(5) 曲轴上所有的主轴颈以及连杆轴上的油孔表面都应抛光处理,保证光洁度高于1.6,主轴颈和连杆轴孔的内表面光洁度高过6.4。
(6) 保证曲轴加工的材料质量。
(7) 曲轴在抛光处理后,可进行磁力探伤,并在磁力探伤结束后对曲轴作退磁处理。[8]

1 .绪论 1
1.1柴油机的工作原理 1
1.2柴油机曲轴发展概况 2
1.3 工作的意义及研究的主要内容 2
2曲轴分析及参数说明 3
2.1柴油机曲轴结构特征 3
2.2曲轴的作用及工作状况 4
2.3曲轴的结构特点及技术要求 5
2.4柴油机曲轴参数说明 6
3 毛坯的选择 7
3.1毛坯的材料 7
3.2毛坯制造 7
4 工艺路线的拟定 8
4.1年生产量和批量的确定 8
4.2 定位基准的分析 8
4.3 工艺路线的拟定 10
4.4 工艺卡的填写 13
4.5 工艺设计的综合评估 16
5 夹具分析与装配 17
5.1 夹具分析 17
5.2 夹具经济性分析 21
6 零件的检查 22
6.1 检查夹具 22
6.2 气动量仪 23
7 结论 24
参考文献 25
附录1:外文翻译 26
致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 44