关键词:塔头片拼焊 夹具设计 定位 夹紧
Fixture is a kind of workpiece, generally used to locate and clamp the processing object, so that it is in an effective position, so that the construction and inspection have an effective help. In the process of mechanical design and manufacturing, the existence of fixtures can greatly improve the quality of the product, so the fixture is widely used. In the process of mechanical manufacturing and design, fixture design has always been the most important. Because in the whole process, the fixture is not only used to locate and clamp the machined parts, but also to ensure its forming structure and to improve its accuracy to a certain extent. Through the entire machinery manufacturing process, the fixture can also improve the efficiency of processing parts.
The main purpose of this graduation project is to design the fixture for positioning and clamping the tower head. In the process of the design of the fixture has a preliminary understanding, especially on the tower head fixture awareness more in-depth, the analysis of the tower head manufacturing process, the development of the tower head fixture design of the overall program. First, the design of the positioning program, the tower of the film after some research, the use of chassis and multi-positioning pin positioning, and then design clamping mechanism, the use of vertical clamping mechanism. The purpose of this paper is to use the tower crane fixture to replace the complex welding operation to reduce the workload, improve production efficiency and improve product quality and production efficiency.
Keywords:Fixture design; Position;Clamp

摘要 II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 塔式起重机在国内研究进展 1
1.2 夹具在国内外的现状与发展 1
1.3夹具设计的步骤 2
1.4 夹具的基本组成部分、功能 3
1.5 夹具定位原则 3
1.6 夹紧装置的组成与夹紧原则 4
1.7 夹具体 5
1.8 本课题的研究内容 6
第二章 塔式起重机塔头拼焊夹具设计的总体方案设计 7
2.1塔头片的结构分析 7
2.2 塔式起重机塔头片夹具设计的总体方案 7
2.3 夹具的定位方案 9
2.4 夹具的夹紧方案 11
2.5 本章小结 12
第三章 塔式起重机塔头拼焊夹具零部件组成及技术要求 14
3.1 夹具体 14
3.2回转轴 18
3.3连接杆 19
3.4中间隔套 19
3.5定位套 20
3.6 定位销轴 21
3.7 垫块 22
3.8 本章小结 23
第四章 总结 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26