摘 要
Industrial plating production lines workers in electroplating, production complex,At the same time,its oxidation, acid, caustic washing, electroplating process, and so many have a serious chemical pollution and erosion of the very adverse physical and mental health in electroplating,And manual random, affect product quality,PLC can be used to achieve control. PLC control plating production lines, compared to the previous system have the following prominent features: anti-interference capability greatly improved, accurate control accuracy, improved product quality; As a result of the design process, in accordance with requirements of the rapidly changing production processes flexible , The system expanded convenience. At the same time maintaining the system simple, easy to use, improve productivity and reduce labor intensity of the workers.
This paper describes the current plating production lines and development of the status quo of China's plating production line facing the challenges and responses; the programmable logic controller (PLC) to study, on the PLC's working principle, the use of attention, as well as the development of PLC, and these Focus on the basis of the PLC in plating production line applications, for plating production line in the pre-treatment production lines, analysis of its technology and control requirements, select the PLC, follow the basic principles of design, use of PLC for automatic plating production lines in the former Production Line of Control System Development and Design.
Key words:PLC, plating production lines, control systems, plating process

目 录 20000字
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 电镀生产线国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文的研究内容 3
2可编程控制器的研究 4
2.1 PLC的定义及其特点 4
2.2 PLC的基本构成 5
2.3 PLC的基本工作原理及其使用的注意问题 7
3.3.1 PLC的基本工作原理 7
3.3.2 PLC应用中需要注意的问题 7
2.4 PLC的应用领域 8
2.5 PLC的国内外状况及其未来展望 9
2.6本章小结 11
3电镀生产线控制系统的设计 12
3.1前处理生产线 12
3.2系统控制要求 13
3.3 PLC控制系统的设计分析 18
3.3.1 PLC控制系统设计的基本原则 18
3.3.2 PLC控制系统的设计主要内容 18
3.3.3 PLC控制系统的设计的基本步骤 19
3.4 电镀生产线PLC控制系统的设计 19
3.4.1选择PLC 19
3.4.2 PLC规模的估算 20
3.4.3 PLC 输入输出模块的选择 20
3.5控制系统程序设计 22
3.6本章小结 30
4结论和展望 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33
附 录 34