The Design of the Control of Brushless DC Motor
Based on DSP
Brushless DC Motor AC motor with both the simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, long life, etc, are also common DC motor to run with high efficiency, large torque, speed convenient, and fast dynamic performance advantages while overcoming the common DC motor mechanical commutation spark caused by interference, maintenance is difficult, and many other shortcomings, which combines the DC motor and AC motor has the merit of a new generation of direction of development of electric driveIn this paper, the structure of brushless DC motor starting, in order to detail its working principle, the use of three-phase brushless DC motor, for example, to analyze the process of its rotationThen describes the performance characteristics of brushless DC motor and transfer functionIt discusses the three-phase PWM rectifier circuit and control method and star-connected full-bridge driving principleIn this paper,the DSP-TMS320LF2407 is chosen as control chip of the Motor According to the characteristic of BLDCM and the function of the chip, sensored and senseless control solutions which are based on DSP technology are presented respectively Then, the hardware design of the system according to the preceding solutions are discussed in detailed For the hardware part, after a dissertation on the whole design, the design of several chief circuits such as peripheral circuit of DSP, the unit of driver,the unit of position signal detecting is expounded
Key Words: Brushless DC motor; mathematical signal processor (DSP); detection
无刷直流电动机为了去掉电刷,将电枢放到定子上去,而转子做成永磁体,这样的结构正好与普通直流电动机相反。然而即使这样改变还不够,因为定子上的电枢通入直流电以后,只能产生不变的磁场,电动机依然转不起来。为了使电动机的转子转起来,必须使定子电枢各相绕组不断的换相通电,这样才能使定子磁场随着转子的位置不断的变化,使定子磁场与转子永磁磁场始终保持90 左右的空间角,产生转距推动转子旋转。

目 录 24000字
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstrac Ⅳ
第1章 绪论- 1 -
11课题研究的背景和意义- 1 -
12无刷直流电动机控制系统研究现状- 2 -
13 DSP芯片- 4 -
第2章 无刷直流电动机- 5 -
21 无刷直流电动机的结构- 5 -
22 无刷直流电动机的工作原理- 5 -
23 直流无刷电动机运行特性和传递函数- 8 -
24 三相无刷直流电动机星形联结全桥驱动原理- 11 -
241 IGBT简介- 11 -
242 三相PWM整流电路及控制方法- 12 -
243 星形联结全桥驱动原理- 16 -
第 3章 DSP芯片的特点和选择- 21 -
31 DSP芯片的特点- 21 -
32 DSP芯片的选择- 21 -
33 TMS320LF2407A DSP芯片的简介及特点- 24 -
第4章 三相无刷直流电动机的DSP控制- 28 -
41 直流无刷电动机控制硬件设计- 28 -
441 控制部分硬件设计 - 28 -
42 霍尔传感器- 29 -
43 三相无刷直流电动机的DSP控制策略- 32 -
44 全控型功率驱动电路- 32 -
441 驱动集成电路IR2136- 34 -
45 检测电路 - 36 -
451电流的检测和计算 - 36 -
452位置检测和速度计算 - 38 -
453 功率驱动保护电路 - 42 -
454 电源电路 - 43 -
第5章 无刷直流电动机的DSP控制编程 -44 -
51 DSP程序的编写及调试原理 - 44 -
52 系统软件总体结构及设计- 45 -
521 主程序模块- 45 -
522 中断服务程序模块 - 46 -
53 控制算法的实现 - 51 -
531 电机的转速- 51 -
结论 - 52 -
参考文献- 53 -
致谢- 54 -
附录A- 55 -
附录B- 59 -