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关键字:一次系统 二次系统 电气主接线 热稳定性 动稳定性
Summary: The power plant electricity part design contents includes primarily the power plant electricity lord connects the linear design, the power plant factory uses the design that give or get an electric shock the system, power plant electricity two the general design of subsystems, choice and its short-circuit electric currents of the main electricity in system in electricity in power plant equipments compute, among them main contents is to electricity the design of the subsystem.
This lesson a design is from the electric power industry in national economy of important function and electric power systems constitute, the type of the power plant talks to rise, discussing the power plant electricity part important position designing in electric power system design. The heavy —— power plant electricity lord that aim at the heavy inside of power plant electricity parts of designs inside connects the line design did the point expatiates, among them include the electricity lord connect the linear and basic request, basic design principle, the electricity lord connects the classification of the line form, the choice of the main transformer in power plant designs and the design that power plant electricity lord connect the line diagram, draw etc.. Then spoke of the power plant factory use the design that give or get an electric shock the system, the choice of the main electricity in power plant equipments and do for its choice design the short-circuit electric current of the preparation compute, returning finally the synopsis mentioned the power plant electricity two the design of subsystems. Still want to explain of is this lesson a design for doing to aim at primarily of is inside, small scaled thermal power plant electricity part of designs.
Key words: a subsystem two subsystem electricity lords connect the hot stability moves the stability

目 录 26000字
1 电气主接线设计…………………………………………………...5
1.1 概述……………………………………………………………..5
1.2 对电气主接线的基本要求……………………………………..5
1.3 电气主接线的设计原则…………………….………………….7
1.4 电气主接线形式的分类…………………….………………….9
1.5 典型电气主接线的设计…………………….………………...14
2 厂用电设计……………………………………………………….17
2.1 厂用负荷的分类…………………………….………………...17
2.2 厂用电设计的基本要求…………………….………………...18
2.3 厂用电设计的一般原则…………………….………………...19
2.4 热电厂自用电接线设计…………………….………………...20
2.5 厂用电设计计算…………………………….………………...22
3 短路电流计算…………………………………………………….25
3.1 限制短路电流的措施……………………….………………...25
3.2 短路电流计算的一般规定………………….………………...27
3.3 短路电流计算的计算步骤………………….………………...28
3.4 短路电流计算方法………………………….………………...29
4 电气设备的选择计算…………………………………………….36
4.1 电气设备选择的一般条件………………….………………...36
4.2 电气设备选择的一般规定………………….………………...40
4.3 电气设备选择的技术条件和设计计算…….………………...41
4.4 电气设备选择举例……………………………………………49
5 二次接线及其它设计…………………………………………….52
5.1 原理图…………………………………………………………53
5.2 安装图…………………………………………………………53
参 考 文 献
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[2]《发电厂 变电所电气部分》 牟道槐 重庆大学出版社 1996年4月第一版
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[4]《电力系统课程设计及毕业设计参考资料》 曹绳敏 水利电力出版社 1995年5月
[5]《电气设备及其系统》 中国电力出版社 2000年3月
[6]《电力工程设计手册第一册》 上海人民出版社 1972年3月
[7]《超临界压力 火力发电技术》 杨立洲 上海交通大学出版社 1990年
[8]《小型火力发电厂 汽轮机设备及运行》 1987年 水利电力出版社
[9]《电力工程》 吴希再 熊信银 张国强 华中科技大学出版社 1996年10月