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摘 要:本文围绕变量播种技术及其实施这个主题,通过建立精准排种器排量与转速的数学模型,来对变量播种的电气控制系统进行研究,并进行试验研究和结果分析。本文主要研究了以Atmega16型单片机作为系统中央处理芯片的电气控制系统。由微机输出具有一定周期的控制脉冲来改变步进电机的转速,步进电机驱动排种器转动,实现排种;通过光电传感器检测单位时间内种籽数,得到实时排量,比较给定排量与实时排量大小,来调节步进电机的转速,实现排种器的变量排种。
The design of Electrical Control Variable Sowing System and Experimental Research
Abstract:Regarding the variable sowing seeds technology and its implements, thruogh establishment the mathematical model between displacement and rotational speed of the Accurate seeding mechanism, this acrtile studies the electrical control system of The variables, and conducts the experimental study and the result analysis.
This article mainly studies has taken studing the ATmega16 monolithic integrafed circuit as the electric confrol sgstem of the system central processing chip the ATmega16 monolithic integrated circuit the electric control system. It realizes seeds-rowing by outputing the microcomputerly certain steering impulse to change step by step the rotational speed of the electrical machinery and the drive of seeding machanism. By photoelectric sensors detect seed number per unit time,get real-time displacement. And compareed with assigns the displacement and the real-time displacement size, to adjust the seed of the stepper motor, so that realizes seeding mechanism’s varable row of kind.
With the seed-rowing experiments of electric control system carried on anrape seed rowlaboratory bench electric control system andthough analying the expermental data of several groups, can confirm the principle which this system rests on is correct.
Key words:metering devices;SCM;stepping motor;photoelectric sensor

目 录
摘 要…………………………………………………………………………………………
1 前言 2
1.1 选题的意义 2
1.2 研究现状 3
1.3 本论文研究的主要内容 3
2 偏心轮型孔式排种器工作原理 4
3排种器单位时间排量与转速关系试验 5
3.1 试验材料 5
3.2 试验设备 5
3.3 试验设计及方法 6
4 控制系统整体研究方案 7
5 系统硬件设计 9
5.1 控制系统的设计 9
5.1.1 单片机最小系统 9
5.1.2 单片机的选型 9
5.1.3 Atmege16概述 11
5.2 USBISP下载器介绍 13
5.3 液晶显示屏LCD1602介绍 14
5.4 串口通信电路设计 15
6 执行机构的设计 16
6.1 步进电机的工作原理 16
6.2 步进电机型号的确定 18
6.3 电机驱动器概述 19
6.3.1 信号分配器 19
6.3.3 细分驱动器 20
6.4 驱动器的选择 20
6.4.1 2HD8080A/B系列驱动器有以下几个显著特点 20
6.4.2 电机信号接线法 21
6.4.3 状态指示灯及实物图 21
7 软件系统的设计 22
7.1 软件开发语言概述 22
7.2 软件开发平台 22
8 偏心轮型孔式排种器排种性能试验 24
8.1 排种器排种性能试验 24
8.2 排种器排种种籽破损率试验 27
9步进电机的转速执行与排种器排种性能试验 29
9.1试验设备 29
9.2试验方法 29
10 试验验证 30
10.1 试验器材 30
10.2 试验步骤 30
10.3 试验研究的结果分析 30
11 结论 32
参考文献 32
致谢 33