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摘 要
本文对反向递推(Backstepping)设计方法在非线性船舶航向控制器中的应用进行了研究。Backstepping设计方法是近几年兴起的一种基于Lyapunov稳定性理论的比较先进的非线性控制方法。因此,本文首先对目前常见的非线性控制方法进行了概述,简单的介绍了Lyapunov稳定性理论及Backstepping算法设计原理,进而对Backstepping设计方法进行了比较研究,总结出 Backstepping方法的优点及局限;然后本文根据目前船舶航向控制中普遍存在的两个问题:船舶操纵运动的非线性及船舶响应模型存在不确定性进行了讨论,分别应用Backstepping方法及自适应Backstepping方法设计了静态的和动态的船舶航向控制器,使系统在平衡点全局渐近稳定,并取得了很好的控制跟踪效果。
Backstepping design and its applications to nonlinear ship steering are systemically studied in this paper. Backstepping design is a new recursive nonlinear control methodology which associated with Lyapunov stabilities theory. After a brief review of conventional nonlinear system control theory and Lyapunov stability, we introducesbasic backstepping tools in this thesis. Then it concludes its advantages and disadvantages by comparison Backstepping and Absolute Feedback Linearization methods. Now two problems listed below are difficult to solve in ship steering controller designs: 1) nonlinear maneuvering characteristics in ship steering;2)uncertai-
nty in nonlinear ship responded model. In this paper, it will show how Backsteeping can be applied to solve these problems successfully.
Backstepping is related to Absolute Feedback Linearization. However the latter requires precise models and cancels all nonlinearities but Backstepping not. It exploits "good" nonlinearities while "bad" nonlinearities are dominated. So the controller's energy can be reduced and the robustness obtained.
Keywords:Shipsteering;control;Backstepping;design;Adaptivecontrol;Nonlinear; Lyapunov function

目 录
第1章 概 述 1
1.1课题研究的背景意义 1
1.2研究现状 4
1.3论文的结构 4
第2章Lyapunov稳定性理论及反向递推基本理论 6
2.1 Lyapunov稳定性 6
2.2 Lyapunov直接法 7
2.3积分器 Backstepping 8
2.4本章小结 12
第3章 非线性船舶操纵运动数学模型 13
3.1船舶平面运动坐标系 13
3.2船舶操纵特性 14
3.3非线性船舶操纵运动的数学模型 14
3.4舵机的数学模型 15
3.5环境扰动的数学模型 16
3.6本章小结 17
第4章 船舶航向控制器设计 18
4.1船舶航向控制的性能指标 19
4.2滤波 20
4.3非线性船舶自动舵Backstepping设计 21
4.4含有未知常参数的船舶操纵运动模型 24
4.5仿真结果 27
4.6本章小结 29
结 论 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33