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Research on Grid-connected Control Strategy of Photovoltaic Power Generation system
Abstract:Seeing the economic prosperity and technological advancement of all countries in the world, energy plays an important role. To maintain sustainable development in today's society, we must consolidate the dominant position of energy. As an important new energy source, solar energy has its unique advantages.New energy technology has become a hot and indispensable topic in recent years. In order to meet the promotion requirements of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation and improve the conversion efficiency of grid-connected power generation system and the quality of grid-connected current, this paper focuses on two key points of grid-connected power generation: maximum output position tracking technology and inverter current conversion technology.The simulation software uses MATLAB/simulink and carries on the comparative analysis of the model construction in it. Finally, the maximum output point tracking scheme and the current conversion technology of the inverters are selected, and then the complete simulation structure of the system is built in MATLAB/simulink. The rationality and success of the grid-connected strategy design are verified according to the results.
Key words: Photovoltaic grid-connected; Photovoltaic cells; Maximum power point tracking; Inverter current control

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1.课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2.研究内容国内外发展情况 1
1.2.1.光伏发电国内外发展情况 1
1.2.2.最大功率追踪技术的国内外发展状况 2
1.2.3.逆变器控制技术国内的外发展状况 2
2.光伏电池的特性分析 2
2.1.光伏电池的工作原理 2
2.2.光伏电池的输出特性 3
2.3.最大功率追踪对光伏电池的重要性 4
3.光伏MPPT控制策略 5
3.1.扰动观察法(P&O) 6
3.2.变步长扰动观察法 8
4.光伏系统MPPT仿真分析 9
4.1.光伏系统电池模块 10
4.2.光伏并网发电系统 11
4.3.定步长扰动观察法仿真 12
4.4.变步长扰动观察法仿真 12
4.5.光伏发电系统MPPT仿真结果及对比分析 13
5.光伏系统逆变器控制策略 14
5.1.滞环PWM电流控制方式 15
5.2.SPWM电流控制方式 16
5.3.逆变器控制系统MATLAB仿真 17
5.3.1.滞环PWM控制仿真 18
5.3.2.SPWM电流控制仿真 18
5.3.3.仿真结果图示分析 19
6.光伏并网系统MATLAB仿真 22
7.总结与展望 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27