自21世纪以来,伴随着我国经济的高速发展,高层建筑的迅速发展,电梯已经成为一种不可缺少的运输工具.电梯的速度和舒适度是直接面对乘客的重要问题,因此,电梯的调速系统运行的控制方式是很重要的,是评价整个电梯系统的性能好坏的重要指标。本设计电梯采用了线性调速的调压调频调速 (VVVF)技术,并且VVVF电梯采用PLC控制,有完善的自检测、自诊断、自保护功能,因而十分安全可靠。而且本电梯是按照理想的电梯运行曲线,通过矢量控制软件对电动机进行精确调节,因而电梯平稳、舒适。另外,本设计采用交流调压调频调速与同规格的传统电梯相比,可节能40%
Since twenty-first Century, with the rapid development of China's economy, the rapid development of high-rise buildings, the elevator has become an indispensable means of transport. The elevator speed and comfort is an important problem, directly face the passenger therefore, control speed control system of elevator is very important, is an important index of performance valuation of the whole of the elevator system. This design uses a linear speed of the elevator VVVF speed technology, and VVVF elevator with PLC control, has the perfect self inspection, self diagnosis, self protection function which is very safe and reliable. But the elevator complies with the ideal elevator running curve, by the vector control software of the motor is accurately adjusted so the lift smooth, comfortable. In addition, compared with the traditional elevator to the design of AC VVVF speed with the same specifications, can be energy-saving 40%.
The design also focuses on the design of drive control system of elevator door machine, including two parts: hardware design and software design, the operation is safe and reliable, stable performance. The door motor control system of this design adopts the newest permanent magnet synchronous servo system, which is the focus and innovation of this design.
Keywords: frequency control, passenger elevator, electric drive

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 电梯的起源 1
1.2 电梯的分类 2
1.2.1 按速度分类 3
1.2.2按用途分类 3
1.2.3按拖动方式分类 3
1.2.4按照控制方式分类 4
1.3 电梯的组成 4
1.4 电梯的发展 6
1.4.1 国外电梯发展情况 7
1.4.2 国内电梯发展情况 8
第二章 PLC系统和变频器概述 9
2.1 可编程控制器概述 9
2.2 变频器概述 17
2.3 PWM控制器 23
第三章 典型VVVF电梯拖动控制系统分析 24
3.1 PLC 的系统配置及控制任务 26
3.2 FR-A540变频器的参数设置 31
3.3 系统框图设计 33
3.4电梯控制系统部分电气图 36
第四章 系统软件设计 37
4.1 方向控制环节 37
4.2 加减速及制动环节 39
4.3 自动开关门控制环节 41
4.4 轿厢位置检测环节 43
4.5 召唤信号登记与消除环节 44
4.6 方向指示环节 44
4.7 电气安全保护环节 46
第五章 总结和展望 48
5.1 总结 48
5.2 展望 48
致 谢 50