This issue exists for the shortcomings of the existing drainage system to study the foundation for the use of the main drainage control systems. The main drainage control system is the core technology of the pump control device. The project set up by the Siemens S7-300 series PLC as the central control unit, and extend the necessary digital input and output modules, analog modules and communication modules. This design has a place automatically, local manual, automatic and remote manual four kinds of remote control, you can freely switch. In the automatic mode can be real-time measurement of water storage level, according to water level changes, automatically determine the start time and sets the number of pumps. Taking into account the principle of uniform wear and to prevent long-term need due to damp rusty water pump died, the design of the working mechanism of the pump rotation, so every time you start the pump, always turn on the pump running time at least.
Meanwhile, the system uses embedded and multi-interface technology, designs and implements a reliable display and the programmable controller communication, touch screen support for the operation of the wireless mouse and keyboard functions. Harsh environment in the pit, the operator simply positions according to the water pump house and pump operating parameters of the actual situation, timely modify the display parameters, you can complete the whole system control functions to facilitate the commissioning and maintenance of equipment, reduced underground work time.
This study is the main drainage system has the following features: real-time online monitoring of water level and display; pump automatically starts and stops; supported the use of the wireless mouse and keyboard, on-site debugging; pump using a shift system, to pump a balanced work to improve the life of the pump ; design a more comprehensive protection features such as water protection, high temperature protection and over current protection, etc.; The system can be networked with the foundation ground monitoring center, to facilitate centralized control.
Keywords: centrifugal pump, a programmable logic controller, touch screen, barrier

1概述 1
1.1基坑排水系统概述 1
1.1.1基坑排水的重要性 1
1.1.2主排水系统的组成 1
1.2现有基坑排水系统现状及存在的问题 3
1.2.1基坑排水系统现状 3
1.2.2基坑排水系统存在的问题 4
1.3国内外研究动态 4
1.4课题完成内容 5
2基坑排水系统总体方案设计 6
2.1可编程控制器的技术概述 6
2.1.1可编程控制器的产生和发展 6
2.1.2可编程控制器的特点 7
2.1.3可编程控制器的功能 8
2.2基坑排水系统的主体结构 9
2.2.1主排水系统的工艺流程 9
2.2.2引水装置 10
2.2.3泵站水锤及防护 10
2.3主排水系统控制方案 11
2.3.1控制原理 11
2.3.2系统结构 12
2.3.3系统功能 13
3 主排水系统硬件设计 16
3.1传感器系统设计 16
3.1.1水位传感器 17
3.1.2温度行传感器 18
3.1.3压力传感器 19
3.2电动阀门设计 19
3.3 PLC控制系统设计 21
3.3.1 PLC选型及硬件组态 21
3.3.2 CPU313C的原理及接线 24
3.3.3 SM321的原理及接线 24
3.3.4 SM331的原理及接线 26
3.3.5 PLC系统供电 28
4 主排水系统软件设计 29
4.1系统PLC程序设计 29
4.1.1排水模型及“避峰就谷” 29
4.1.2水泵的轮换工作的实现 31
4.1.3不同模式下水泵控制 34
4.1.4数据采集 36
4.1.5保护及报警 36
4.1.6系统时间的设定 36
4.2系统的人机交互界面设计 37
4.2.1 MCGS组态软件的体系结构 37
4.3触摸屏与PLC的通信实现 38
4.3.1 MPI通信原理 38
4.3.2 MPI通信参数设置 39
4.3.3建立实时数据库 39
5 总结和展望 41
参考文献 43
致谢 45