关键词: 数控系统; 数控铣床; 主电路; 控制电路; PLC控制;电气原理图
Numerical control technology rapid development today, the numerical control technology play more and more important role in modern manufactuiring, numerical control machine tool is the core of the numerical control manufacturing, with the rapid development of international and domestic economy, the machine tool industry has a leap in the development, reflected in the wide application of new technology and enterprise efficiency improved significantly. The machine tool industry mainstream consumption is no machine tools. From domestic and international market demand for CNC machine tools, CNC machine after the market has the following characteristics: one is the economical no machine tool is the mainstream products later. 2 adopt new technology, reduce costs, improve product, stability is the key of enterprise survival. This article mainly introduced the process of CNC milling machine electrical system design.
Vertical no milling machining, the electrical system design is particularly important, its content includes system design, vertical machining center part of PLC electrical control system design, selection of servo drive system and electric control system design. This design gives the whole circuit diagram drawing of digital electrical control system, the key part of modular, introduces in detail the function and usuage of the parts. Is divided into 808 d numerical control system design, power distribution circuit, do and at control circuit, servo power circuit, stop control circuit, and artifacts ligheing circuit design, electrical components selection, the choice of servo driver, servo motor, electrical wiring connection and debugging, fault handling common connection.
Through this design manual can basically grasp the vertical processing electrical principle of CNC milling machine, as well as the basic electrical sense, make readers both as a whole and each module can be realized in the CNC milling machine, a series of electrical knowledge.
Key words: CNC system; CNC milling machine; Main circuit; Control circuit; PLC control; Electrical schematic diagram
数控系统选择Siumerik 808D铣削版。进行立式加工中心强电系统设计,PLC部分的电气控制系统设计,伺服驱动系统的选型和电气控制系统设计。主要技术参数:主轴电机功率7.5KW,主轴最高转速6000r/min,进给部分功率6.0KW,冷却功率0.4KW,排屑电动机功率0.4KW,电源总容量18KVA。
(1)数控系统选型:选择Siumerik 808D 铣削版。(2)立式加工中心强电系统设计:电源分配电路,直流和交流控制电路,伺服电源电路。(3)PLC 部分的电气控制系统设计:I/O 地址分配,I/O电路设计,电气元件选择。(4)伺服驱动器、伺服电机的选择,与CNC系统的电气连接电路设计。(5)电气线路的连接与调试,常见连接故障处理。

目 录
第一章 绪论…………………………………………… 1
1.1 引言 ……………………………………………… 1
1.2 数控机床概述 …………………………………… 1
1.3 数控技术的发展趋势 …………………………… 4
1.4 SINUMERIK 808D ………………………………… 4
第二章 数控系统设计原理…………………………… 5
2.1 数控系统的供电 ………………………………… 5
2.2 伺服控制系统电气控制线路设计 ……………… 5
2.3 主轴控制系统电气控制线路设计 ……………… 6
2.3.1 单极性主轴 ………………………………… 6
2.3.2 双极性主轴 ………………………………… 6
2.4 其他辅助功能的电气控制线路设计 …………… 6
第三章 SINUMERIK 808D 组成及电路……………… 8
3.1 三相电源引入 …………………………………… 8
3.3 排屑系统控制 …………………………………… 10
3.3 斗笠式刀库控制 ………………………………… 11
3.4 机床照明温度控制 ……………………………… 14
3.5 润滑控制 ………………………………………… 15
3.6 主轴驱动 ………………………………………… 17
3.7 伺服系统轴驱动控制 …………………………… 18
3.8 行程开关 ………………………………………… 18
3.9 808D 数控系统 ………………………………… 20
第四章 电气数控系统主轴驱动……………………… 21
4.1 机构方式以及选型 ……………………………… 21
4.1.1 电动机 ……………………………………… 21
4.1.2 电动机玄星条件 …………………………… 21
4.1.3 电动机选型 ………………………………… 22
4.2 变频器电动机主轴驱动装置 …………………… 22
4.2.1 设备的选型方法 …………………………… 22
4.2.2 变频器主轴伺服驱动电路 ………………… 23
第五章 系统各部分元器件选型……………………… 24
5.1 低压电器选择及遵从的原则 …………………… 24
5.2 断路器选择标准 ………………………………… 24
5.3 自动开关的选择¬¬¬——保护装置 ………………… 25
5.4 接触器的选择 …………………………………… 25
5.5 热继电器的选择 ………………………………… 25
5.6 中间继电器的选择 ……………………………… 26
结论………………………………………………………… 27
参考文献…………………………………………………… 28
致谢………………………………………………………… 29