来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716348 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716348
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摘 要
关键词:WiDi 局域网 高清视频 无线传输 家庭娱乐
Technology and Application of Wireless LAN Based on WiDi
With the continuous progress of science and technology in recent years, HD and wireless have undoubtedly become top two words in family entertainment system now. At the same time, it has became the focus of manufacturers and consumers attention. The Intel's WiDi technology has become a leader in the development of wireless HD technology,so the wireless LAN technology based on WiDi will have the necessary in research and deep significance.
This paper sums up its characteristics,points out its method of creating platform ,through analyses present situation domestic and overseas of WiDi.Analyses the existing problem in several aspects at the same timem,and come up with pertinence solution.Through case test, this paper sums up advantages and development tendency of WiDi,and we hope that this paper can give some help to reserch of wireless transmission and family wireless LAN.
Key words: WiDi; LAN; HD video; wireless transmission; family entertainment
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容与方法 2
第二章 文献综述 4
2.1 WiDi技术简介 4
2.2 无线局域网技术简介 5
2.3 国内外研究现状 6
2.4 本章小结 8
第三章 无线局域网面临的问题及WiDi的优势分析 9
3.1 无线局域网面临的问题 9
3.1.1 无线传输的问题 9
3.1.2 无线高清技术的问题 10
3.2 WiDi与其他无线局域网技术的比较及优势 11
3.2.1 分辨率显示 11
3.2.2 传输距离 11
3.2.3 传输速度 12
3.2.4 防干扰能力 12
3.2.5 穿墙能力 12
3.2.6 优势总结 12
3.3 平台构建及标准 12
3.3.1 WiDi软硬件要求 12
3.3.2 WiDi平台构建 14
第四章 WiDi应用测试 18
4.1 WiDi安装使用 18
4.2 WiDi测试体验 21
4.2.1游戏测试 21
4.2.2 Windows和应用软件测试 21
4.2.3 DVD和蓝光播放测试 22
4.2.4视频文件播放测试 22
4.2.5 Flash视频测试 23
4.2.6电池续航测试 24
4.3 测试总结 24
第五章 WiDi技术存在的问题及解决方案 25
5.1 WiDi目前存在的问题 25
5.1.1 WiDi技术使用门槛较高 25
5.1.2 压缩数据带来的问题 25
5.1.3 WiDi音频传输问题 26
5.1.4 昂贵的价格 27
5.2 WiDi技术问题的解决与发展前景 28
5.2.1 针对WiDi技术使用门槛较高 28
5.2.2 针对压缩数据带来的问题 28
5.2.3 针对WiDi音频传输问题 29
5.2.4 针对其昂贵的价格 29
结 束 语 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 33