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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK72409 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK72409
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摘  要


Design and Implementation of Management System on Salary of Computer Company Human Resource
In world modern economic development, business takes very important role in the countries construction of national economy, it is communication production and the bridge between customer. Along with the socialist merchandise of our country market form step by step, foreign various enterprises also vie with each other in land have entered the market of China, have brought new management thought, new management pattern and new technology and equipment , have at the same time also taken the larger competitive challenge and that business chance and the business of our country can not avoid and are faced with big adjustment and the big transform of global business trade system.
Paper divide into 6 totally Zhang, below summarize  content: 1 is general to state , have discussed the situation of systematic development background as well as home with before systematic shortcoming with is below , and it is general to state the content arrangement of paper. 2 systems analysises are to reward for personnel salary to manage the original demand that put forward mainly with demand investigation stage the information that collected analyse , draw systematic function main points. 3 systems design , have elaborated the salary of human resource to reward the design of database table, network structural design and the design of construction of system of management system. 4 systems implement , have elaborated the salary of human resource to reward the operation interface of management system that realizes tool and method mainly and still has partial systems. 5 system testings test work with artificial test , and design related test to use example, give test result and analysis. 6 conclusions are overall to have summarized the salary of human resource to reward the problem of the solution of management system, and the insufficient place that has pointed out system has put forward modification direction.

Key Words: Salary management, Information, Data inquiry


目  录
任务书 I
摘  要 II
目  录 IV
第1章  绪  论 1
1.1电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理系统的发展现状 1
1.2电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理管理开发的意义 1
1.3电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理的功能 2
第二章  系统分析 3
2.1管理系统的可行性分析 3
2.2电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理管理系统业务流程分析 4
2.3电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理管理系统数据流程分析 5
2.3.1数据流程图例说明 5
2.3.2系统数据流程图 6
2.4电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理系统的数据字典分析 7
第三章  系统设计 9
3.1技术概述 9
3.1.1 JSP(JAVA server pager) 9
3.1.2 MyEclipse5.1.1 9
3.1.3 MySQL 9
3.2 功能模块的划分 10
3.3详细设计 11
3.3.1系统数据库联接实现 11
3.3.2 数据库设计 12
3.4电脑公司人力资源薪酬管理系统输入/输出设计 14
3.4.1 数据一致性、完整性的设计 15
3.4.2 概念设计 15
3.4.3 数据库表设计 16
第4章  系统实施运行 17
4.1前台系统开发工具的选择 17
4.2系统实现 17
4.2.1 系统首页 17
4.2.2 员工基本信息操作页面 18
4.2.3 员工信息修改操作 18
4.2.4 员工等级及工资设定 19
4.2.5 员工月度绩效设定 19
第五章  系统测试 21
第六章  结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢  24
