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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK72336 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK72336
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摘  要

Design and Implementation of Unicom customers difference analysis system
As China's economy sustained, high-speed development, social demand in the telecommunications industry will continue to increase, at the same time, people on the telecommunications service industry is also getting higher and higher requirements, the corresponding telecommunications industry is also increasingly fierce competition. To further enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises, enterprises must change their concepts, enhance the sense of service, the service as a business development strategy, competition and duplication of weapons development and utilization of resources. To this end, customer-oriented enterprises should, through quality and efficient service strategy of occupation and a solid market. In this context, how to customers, cards and bills customers to realize the difference between management's analysis, thereby enhancing the business services industry, will become the basic problem is essential.
Unicom telecommunications industry as the leading military and the use of advanced computer and communications technology, operations and management to scientific theory as a guide, the establishment of future-oriented economic concept of innovation and market operators of the concept of customer service. The subject of the study is based on the difference between analysis system, China Unicom, are based mainly on the demand for software analysis, design and realization process to organize the article structure. It includes the following main part of the customer management module, card attribute management, billing and customer input, such as screening.
In this paper, JSP as a platform, design and development of connectivity, this difference of system, which is a good practical, operational efficiency, ease of use at the same time opening up, flexibility and scalability, and other characteristics, can adapt to the needs of Continuous improvement and development.

Key words: customer management, Unicom customers difference analysis system, JSP.

该系统包括四个模块: 客户管理模块;卡属性管理模块;帐单录入模块和客户筛选模块。本节将说明四个主要模块的功能。


目  录
毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
摘  要 II
目  录 IV
引  言 1
第1章  绪论 2
1.1 选题目的及意义 2
1.2 联通客户差异分析系统设计说明 3
1.3 国内外现状 4
1.4 本文整体框架 4
第2章  联通客户差异分析系统的分析 6
2.1 联通客户差异分析系统的需求分析 6
2.2 系统的开发方法 7
2.3 系统的可行性分析 8
2.4 联通客户差异分析系统的业务流程分析 9
2.4.1 业务流程分析的目的 9
2.4.2 联通客户差异分析系统的业务流程分析 9
2.5 联通客户差异分析系统的数据流程分析 10
2.5.1 数据流程顶层图分析 10
2.5.2 数据流程一层图分析 11
2.5.3 数据流程二层图分析 11
2.5.4 联通客户差异分析系统的数据字典 13
第3章  联通客户差异分析系统的设计 16
3.1 联通客户差异分析系统设计原则及具体功能划分 16
3.1.1 模块设计原则 16
3.1.2 联通客户差异分析系统功能模块划分 17
3.2 联通客户差异分析系统配置 17
3.3 代码设计 18
3.4 输入/输出设计 18
3.5 界面设计 19
3.6 联通客户差异分析系统的数据库设计 20
3.6.1 模块数据库设计原则 20
3.6.2 模块数据库概念设计 21
3.6.3 模块数据库逻辑设计 22
3.6.4 模块数据库物理设计 22
第4章  联通客户差异分析系统的实现 24
4.1 联通客户差异分析系统客户管理功能的实现 24
4.2 联通客户差异分析系统卡属性管理功能的实现 24
4.3 联通客户差异分析系统帐单录入功能的实现 25
4.4 联通客户差异分析系统客户筛选功能的实现 26
第5章  系统测试与结果分析 28
5.1 系统功能测试方法概述 28
5.2 联通客户差异分析系统功能测试 29
5.3 系统错误处理测试 29
5.4 系统安全性分析 29
5.5 系统实用性分析 30
结束语 31
致  谢 32
参考文献 33
附  录 36
