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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK72279 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK72279
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摘  要
关键词: JSP ; jdbc—odbc ; SQL数据库 (所有权: 毕业设计网 )

The twenty-first century will be globalization of human society to a knowledge-based economy of the century, the transition will also be national education system, mode, content and management of major changes happened to the open-end, network-based, lifelong, and to generally improve the quality of people and the basic competencies of the learning society as the center of the century transition. Whether developing countries or developed countries, who can quickly establish a study of such a society, will eventually come in the forefront of this transition. Undoubtedly, open, flexible, cheap easy implementation of modern distance education are the existing educational system can best adapt to the requirements of the times, in the innovation and reform of existing and establishment of a new education system, model the process and potential of the most dynamic part of will certainly be more and more governments and the international community.
With the popularization of Internet applications, communicate using the Internet has become an important tool. However, the production of graduates with the traditional design process compared to using the Internet to complete the design review process of graduation seems far from perfect, perfect. How to ensure that graduates of the quality of the design review process, the establishment of an effective graduate design management model, the network has become an important topic in research. The use of Internet as a new means of distance education, design and realize graduation audit system design. Teachers can not be away from the restrictions on students graduating from design review. Teachers can enhance students graduated from the guidance of the production process design and management, students study timely feedback information, the guidance of graduate teachers design, improve the overall quality of students and abilities.

 JSP; jdbc-odbc; SQLdatabase

(所有权: 毕业设计网 )
● 添加、删除、修改、查询学生信息;
● 添加、删除、修改、查询教师信息
● 添加、删除、修改管理员信息
● 院系班级管理
● 毕业设计课题管理
● 注销

运行环境:操作系统可为Microsoft Windows 2000,需要安装JDK1.4.2作JAVA平台,以tomcat做 JSP引擎,用JDBC-ODBC桥的连接方式连接数据库。

1. 多媒体化,使教与学脱离了传统模式。
2. 易使用性,可以在任何时间、地点通过网络进行学习,用户只需用一个浏览器(如IE)就可以访问系统并完成操作。
3. 能有效的帮助师生双方的教与学,有利于扩大教学规模、提高教学质量、降低教学成本。
本系统基于JSP技术,用tomcat做JSP引擎,JDK做JAVA平台,同时Dreamweaver 进行数据库的操作,技术含量很高。JSP是相对较新的技术,还没有一个比较完善的、统一的运行环境。这为整个系统的设计制作带来了极大的不便。在应用Deamweaver 进行数据库访问时,有时会出现乱码的情况。但它的活动数据流编辑功能极大的方便了开发者。Dreamweaver 可以满足web开发人员的各种需要,可以大大提高开发人员的工作效率,还可以让开发人员保持对代码的完全控制。这就使得它成为我们开发系统的理想工具。

摘  要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪论 4
第二章 相关技术介绍 5
2.1 JAVA平台 5
2.2 JSP技术 6
2.3 JDK的简介 7
2.4 JDBC 7
第三章 毕业设计审核系统分析 10
3.1系统需求与目标 10
3.2系统关键技术JSP 10
(所有权: 毕业设计网 )
3.2.1 JSP在系统中的应用 10
3.2.2 JSP技术特点 11
3.3系统总体结构 12
3.3.1涉及的主体 12
3.3.2涉及的事务 13
3.3.3运行环境和开发平台 13
3.3.4开发工具 13
3.3.5功能模块划分 16
第四章 系统详细设计 18
4.1数据库的设计与连接 18
4.2页面设计 20
4.2.1管理员模块 20
4.2.2教师模块 21
4.2.3学生模块 23
第五章 结论 25
参考文献 26
附  录 27
致  谢 34
