摘 要:通过对网络五子棋游戏算法和技术的研究,设计并实现了一个基于C/S模式的网络五子棋对战游戏。网络连接部分为Socket编程应用,客户端和服务器端的交互用Class Message定义,客户端负责界面维护和收集用户输入的信息,及错误处理。在人机对弈中通过深度搜索和估值模块,来提高电脑棋手的智能。服务器维护在线用户的基本信息和任意两个对战用户的棋盘信息。完成了人机对战和玩家之间联网对战2个功能。
Design and Implementation of Online Wuziqi Game Based on Java
Abstract: Through research of network Wuziqi games algorithm and technology,Design and implement an C/S mode network Wuziqi war games. Network Connection Socket Programming for some applications, client and server interaction with Class Message definition, Client interface is responsible for the collection and maintenance of user input information, and error handling. The man-machine players through depth search and valuation module, the computer players to improve intelligence. Analysis Module valuation of the precise elements, as well as a number of increased precision, and on their search for nodes, Analysis to raise some computer AI programs, such as recursive algorithm, computer learning. Completed a major man-machine war and the war gamers interconnection between the two functions.
Key words: Search depth; Valuation; Computer AI;Gobang; Algorithm

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
1.1 选题研究意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 功能需求 3
2.2 环境需求 3
2.3 用户界面需求 3
2.4 异常处理需求 3
3 概要设计 3
3.1程序结构说明 4
3.2 课题相关基础 5
3.2.1 棋盘和棋子 5
3.2.2 规则及解释 6
3.2.3 五子棋常用术语 7
3.2.4 五子棋攻防 10
4 详细设计及实现 11
4.1 棋盘和棋子 11
4.4.1 棋盘 11
4.4.2 棋子 12
4.2 胜负判定条件 13
4.3 网络对战 14
4.4 人机对战 17
6 总结 21
参考文献 21
致 谢 22