摘 要
With the rapid development of technology and economy, more and more people pay attention to the high quality of life and the efficient way of working. Therefore, more Internet device has enjoyed rapid development in recent years, among all industries and rapidly applied. Similarly, for the inspection process of theater engineering equipment, we also need to progress and development. In the past, the theater equipment inspection of process used to do paper-based manual inspection, which is inefficient and cumbersome, and the safety and reliability of the data obtained could not be effectively guaranteed. Thus, developed a project for mobile device inspection system of equipment inspection management information system to the theater is of great significance.
The thesis mainly studies the analysis, design and implementation process of the theater engineering equipment inspection management information system which based on Android platform. The system is designed for five main function modules, which namely daily inspection management module, the device running on duty management module, equipment maintenance management module, performance schedule query module and working business query module. Daily inspection module is mainly used for engineering equipment when in daily inspection, and regularly record the running state of the equipment. There are three sub modules under the device running on duty management module, respectively on duty operation management, record and log, and so on. Equipment maintenance management module includes a maintenance order management module and the annual contract management module. The performance schedule query module is mainly used for query the engineering equipment schedule at the show. Working business query module is used to inquire the working order of engineering equipment. For details, please view the body of the paper.
This system integrated use of the Android system, based on C/S model of Java development technology to achieve the client and the Server program, the background to access data by using MySQL. Through dynamic interaction, server and the database achieved dynamic query and update data.
The system can be used by the theater inspection staff, and supports both offline and online data entry, which effectively improve the inspection efficiency and ensure the timeliness, integrity and security. After testing the system can meet the needs of practical application.
Key Words:Theater; Engineering equipment; Inspection; Android; C/S model

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状分析 2
1.3 课题预期目标 2
1.4 论文结构概述 3
第2章 系统分析 4
2.1 系统概述 4
2.1.1 总体概述 4
2.1.2 用例描述 5
2.2 功能需求 10
2.3 性能需求 10
第3章 系统设计 11
3.1 功能模块设计 11
3.2 数据库设计 12
3.3 界面设计 14
3.3.1 登录界面 14
3.3.2 主界面 15
3.3.3 日常巡检管理界面 15
3.3.4 值班运行管理界面 17
3.3.5 设备维修管理界面 17
3.3.6 演出档期查询界面 18
3.3.7 工作业务单查询界面 18
第4章 系统实现 19
4.1 界面的实现 19
4.2 主要功能的实现 20
4.2.1 数据库的连接与操作 20
4.2.2 服务器端servlet的实现与配置 24
4.2.3 Android中Activity间的数据交换 26
4.2.4 Android离线数据的保存 27
4.2.5 Android日期时间对话框的封装 33
第5章 结束语 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37