来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716211 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716211
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关键词: Android; AndroidStudio; Java
Design and Implementation of a File Manager based on Android
ABSTRACT:The goal of this paper is to design and develop an Android phone file manager, first introduced the development tools and development language sources and advantages, including the Android operating system, the basic structure and advantages and disadvantages. Then, the article on the system of the module's functional requirements and implementation ideas. This paper introduces the module division, function introduction and so on of the file manager system, and explains and designs each sub-function of each module, and combines the user's habits and experience to complete a well-functioning and user-friendly Android mobile phone file Manager. The system design is to use AndroidStudio development tools for development. In addition to the file manager to add a new folder, file rename, file deletion, file copy and other functions, but also to achieve the file sort, file sharing and other functions.
Keyword:Android; AndroidStudio;Java

目 录
1.引言 1
2.开发工具和技术介绍 1
2.1 Java简介 1
2.2 Android简介 2
2.3 AndroidStudio简介 3
3. 需求分析 4
3.1 系统功能模型 4
3.2 用例模型 6
4. 系统设计 7
4.1 概要设计 8
4.2模块详细设计 9
4.2.1用户操作流程 9
4.2.2手机文件管理器功能详细设计 10
5. 系统实现 12
5.1系统界面 13
5.1.1进入界面 13
5.2 文件操作模块实现 14
5.2.1文件删除功能 14
5.2.2文件复制粘贴功能 19
5.2.3 文件的剪切功能 24
5.2.4 文件的打开功能 25
5.2.5 文件夹的新建功能 26
5.2.6 文件重命名功能 28
5.3 文件查看模块 29
5.3.1 文件的分享功能 29
5.3.2 文件的排序功能 30
6.结束语 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33