来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK716210 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716210
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摘要:互联网技术和智能手机的普及,使人们接收到的信息变得越来越碎片化和多元化,人脑很难一一记下自己所要处理的每个信息,因此十分需要一款方便快速的备忘录应用。本文分析了目前Android应用市场上备忘录类软件的现状,根据已有的备忘录类软件的不足之处,设计了一款功能齐全且不含商业性内容的开源备忘录应用。该应用利用最新的Android Studio开发工具结合Android内嵌的SQLite小型数据库开发,除了具备基本的备忘录事件增删查改功能外,还具有事件分类、主题修改、设置提醒等实用功能。
关键词: Android;Android Studio;SQLite;备忘录
Design and Implementation of To-do Note Application based on Android
Abstract:With the popularity of Internet technology and smart phones, the information people receive becomes increasingly fragmented and diversified, leading to the difficulty that human brains commit every message that they deal with to memory. Therefore, it is essential for a convenient and quick memorandum application. Herein, we analyzed the current situation of the memorandum software in the android market. Based on the shortcomings of these existing software, we design an open source memo note software, with complete function and without commercial content. The application developed by Android Studio, contains basic memorandum functions, and also has advanced features such as category, theme and alarm. At the end of the article we made a prospect for its future development.
Key words:Android;Android Studio;Memo Note

目 录
1 绪论 1
2 Android平台与其开发环境 1
2.1 Android操作系统 1
2.2 Java程序设计语言 3
2.3 Android Studio 4
2.4 Git版本控制系统 4
3 需求分析 4
3.1 系统功能模型 4
3.2 用例模型 5
3.3 可行性分析 7
4 系统设计 7
4.1 系统主要模块 7
4.2 模块详细设计 9
4.3 数据库设计 10
5 系统实现 11
5.1 工程结构 11
5.2 数据库操作 12
5.3 应用程序主界面 14
5.4 新建备忘录事件和分类文件夹 17
5.5 分类管理和删除操作 19
5.6 更换主题 21
5.7 闹钟提醒实现 22
5.8 备忘录事件分享 24
5.9 项目版本控制及其开源共享 25
6 总结 26
参考文献: 26
致谢 28