摘 要
这个设计(论文)主要阐述了怎样构建一个android的点餐系统及其客户端与数据库的设计。设计完成了包括注册登录、在线点餐、查看订单等模块的功能。 并且系统能够较好的运行在wifi环境下,各个界面协调一致,能有效快速的与服务器进行交互,在系统的详细设计中给出了具体功能模块的实现方式以及界面的最终效果。
关键词: 无线点餐;智能手机;Android;交互
In such an era of information technology, smart phones have been closely linked with many aspects of our lives. Today, the basic hand of a smart phone, we take it to look at the news, playing games, shopping at night. It can be said that a variety of app to enrich the lives of everyone. With the progress of wireless technology, the development of such a smart phone can be said to be more and more violent. In particular, a large number of WiFi coverage, to solve some of the drawbacks of mobile terminals, such as lack of computing, storage space, etc., can be achieved through cloud services.
Each industry is enjoying the convenience brought by the information age, the traditional food and beverage industry is no exception. Wireless point meal system based on Android has become a new era of pet, many of the times in front of the catering enterprises have started to use a large number of wireless point meal to enhance the user experience and restaurant work efficiency. Such a large environment, the system came into being, wireless ordering system has many traditional ordering methods can not match the advantages, as low error rate, high work efficiency, reducing the user waiting time, enhance the customer experience effect.
This design mainly expounds how to build a Android point meal system and the design of the client and database. Designed to complete the function of the module including registration, online ordering, viewing orders and other modules. And the system can run better in WiFi environment each interface and coordinated, can quickly and effectively with the server to interact in the detailed design of the system give a specific function module realization and interface of the final result.
Keywords: wireless point meal; smart phone; Android; interaction
第1章 绪论,这一章主要是对于本次选题进行问题的定义,通过定义明确我们要做出一个什么东西来,并且对开发内容简单的介绍了一下;同时还对于研究课题的背景,目的及意义进行了详细的阐述。
第2章 主要介绍将要使用到的一些开发工具和android系统。
第3章 点餐系统需求分析,主要是对于本系统的功能需求做了详尽的分析,还有相关功能的流程图,尽量向读者展现出本系统最本质的数据流通线,明确用户能使用的核心功能。
第4章 系统概要设计,分析了系统的主要流程,客户端到服务器端再到客户端,关于客户端的主体功能模块画了一个功能模块图。
第5章 点餐系统详细设计,主要介绍了各个模块功能的开发类图,功能实现的具体方式,还有使用的用户界面截图。
第6章 总结与展望,总结了从拿到课题以来到完成论文撰写的一些心得与体会,最后对于未来的发展做一个预期展望。

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3论文框架安排 3
第2章 开发语言及框架介绍 4
2.1 开发工具及环境 4
2.2 Android系统 5
第3章 系统需求分析 7
3.1 可行性分析 7
3.2 功能需求分析 8
第4章 系统概要设计 10
4.1结构设计 10
4.2服务端数据库设计 11
第5章 系统详细设计 14
5.1 登录注册模块 14
5.2 点餐模块 14
5.3选桌模块 15
5.4换桌模块 16
5.5 查看订单模块 16
5.6更新模块 17
第6章 总结与展望 18
致 谢 19