摘 要
随着对称密码的不断发展,DES数据加密标准算法的密钥长度较小(56位),已经不适应当今分布式开放网络对数据加密安全性的要求,因此1997年NIST公开征集新的数据加密标准,即AES。经过三轮的筛选,比利时Joan Daeman和Vincent Rijmen提交的Rijndael算法被提议为AES3的最终算法。此算法将成为美国新的数据加密标准而被广泛应用在各个领域中。总体来说,AES作为新一代的数据加密标准汇聚了强安全性、高性能、高效率、易用和灵活等优点。
With the continuous development of symmetric cipher and des data encryption standard algorithm key length smaller (56), already did not adapt to today's open distributed network of data encryption security requirements, so NIST 1997 public collecting new data encryption standard, the AES[1]. After three rounds of screening, the Belgian Daeman Vincent and Rijmen Rijndael submitted the Joan algorithm is proposed as the final algorithm for AES3. This algorithm will become the new data encryption standard in the United States and is widely used in various fields. Overall, AES as a new generation of data encryption standard brings together the advantages of strong security, high performance, high efficiency, easy to use and flexible.
With the popularity of smart phones, Android phone has become the mainstream of the mobile phone market, Android phone application is increasing constantly, with is the security issue of mobile phones continue to get people's attention, when installing the phone request some privileges, can be used to access the user's contacts, SMS, and even mobile phone file, just set a password can prevent other people to read the user's information, but for other software has no effect. The role of this system is to prevent other applications to access your phone's encrypted contacts, encrypted messages, as well as encrypted files, to protect users' information security.
Key words: AES; Android; mobile phone contact; SMS; file

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 需求分析 2
2.1 设计目的 2
2.2 功能需求 2
2.3 可行性分析 2
2.3.1 技术可行性 3
2.3.2社会可行性 3
第3章 系统设计 4
3.1 Aes算法概述 4
3.1.1 AES介绍 4
3.1.2 AES和DES的比较 4
3.2手机通讯设计 5
3.2.1 SQLITE介绍 6
3.2.2设计通讯录界面 6
3.2.3 通讯录数据库表的建立 7
3.2.4通讯录功能 8
3.2.5通讯录功能分析 9
3.2.6 短信加密流程图 10
3.3短信加密功能 10
3.4文件管理器 11
3.4.1功能 11
第4章 系统详细设计 12
4.1 Aes算法的实现 12
4.2 Aes加密手机联系人 12
4.2.1手机通讯录的实现 12
4.3文件管理器 13
4.3.1显示指定目录函数的内容 13
4.3.2 重命名文件 13
4.3.3 删除文件 14
4.3.4粘贴文件 14
4.3.5搜索文件 14
4.3.6广播接收器 14
4.3.7文件管理器详细设计 14
第5章 总结与展望 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18