关键词:Android; app开发; 记账软件
Personal accounting software development based on Android platform
Abstract:Bookkeeping is a common thing in life, because with the changing times, the old paper billing model is clearly unable to meet the needs of the current user. Today, a lot of people on the use of smart phones, smart phones based on the software app is also emerging, more rapid and safe way of accounting more. Whether it is based on the computer or the phone side of the software can meet the needs of users, but the smart phone has better flexibility and portability, accounting software development is a better choice. This paper is based on the Android mobile operating system for personal accounting software design and implementation. Android platform as a free and open source operating system, with excellent stability and security. In this paper, mainly on the Android operating system were introduced, the Android development platform is introduced, the status quo of mobile phone billing software at home and abroad have conducted research, and analyzes the demand and feasibility analysis of accounting software, then the accounting software modules are carried out and summarized in detail, finally realized some functions of the individual the accounting software and the outlook for the.
Key words:Android;app development;Accounting software
1.4 章节安排和本章小结

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1论文研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 1
1.3 论文主要研究工作 2
1.4 章节安排和本章小结 2
2 Android系统及Android应用开发简介 2
2.1 Android系统介绍 2
2.2 Android应用开发介绍 3
2.3 Android开发工具介绍 3
3 记账软件需求分析 3
3.1功能需求 3
3.1.1收入与支出管理 4
3.1.2固定收支管理和自动记账 4
3.1.3饼图报表显示 4
3.1.4预算管理 4
3.1.5地图兴趣点 4
3.1.6提醒记账 4
3.2非功能需求 5
3.3记账软件的可行性分析 5
3.4系统用例分析 5
3.4.1确定系统中的角色(Actor) 5
3.4.2确定系统中的用例(Use Case) 5
3.4.3确定用例图(Use Case Diagram) 6
3.5本章小结 6
4 记账软件的设计 6
4.1软件框架 6
4.1.1基本记账功能模块 7
4.1.2固定和定时记账功能模块 7
4.1.3饼图报表显示模块 7
4.1.4预算管理模块 8
4.1.5地图兴趣点模块 8
4.1.6提醒功能模块 8
4.2整体流程设计 8
4.3各功能模块及流程 10
4.3.1主模块 10
4.3.2记账模块 11
4.3.3预算模块 11
4.3.4饼图模块 12
4.3.5地图兴趣点模块 12
4.3.6固定记账模块 13
4.3.7流水账单模块 13
4.3.8金额编辑模块 14
4.4总结 14
5 记账软件的实现 15
5.1数据库设计和实现 15
5.1.1Android数据存储 15
5.1.2数据表的设计 15
5.1.3数据表的联系 20
5.1.4数据库操作相关 20
5.2手机地图SDK 20
5.2.1百度地图密钥 21
5.2.2开发环境的搭配 21
5.2.3初始化地图 22
5.3主界面记账功能实现 22
5.3.1关键类 22
5.3.2功能的实现 22
5.4预算功能实现 26
5.4.1关键类 26
5.4.2功能的实现 26
5.5饼图功能实现 26
5.5.1关键类 27
5.5.2功能的实现 27
5.6兴趣点功能实现 27
5.6.1关键类 27
5.6.2功能的实现 28
5.7提醒功能 28
5.7.1关键类 28
5.7.2功能实现 29
5.8本章小结 29
6 总结 30
参考文献 30
致谢 32