Design and implementation of word memory software based on Android
Abstract: With the development of global economy and information, English has become a part of our lives. So we need a piece of software to help us learn English words. The system of word memory introduced in this article is based on Android platform development. Before developing this software, we need to understand the relevant knowledge of Android, and configure the relevant environment, including JDK and SDK and so on. After that, we need to analyze the requirements of the software and software design. Requirements analysis and system design are combined with the needs of the people's needs for back wording and the development of the times, and effective system function design, database design pattern design, and so on. Then it mainly implements the coding and implementation of the system, realizes the functions of the system, and includes the functions of importing thesaurus information, learning words, reviewing words, testing words and adding unclear words, etc. The work at this stage needs to rely on the Myeclipse2014 development platform. Finally, system testing will be conducted to test whether the system meets the functional requirements of requirements analysis and design. It is found that through this software, we can conveniently use mobile phones to learn, recite and review words.
Key words: word memory; Android; software design

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究内容 1
1.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 研究的背景 1
2 开发平台与工具 2
2.1 开发平台介绍 2
2.2 开发语言、工具与环境配置介绍 2
2.2.1 配置JDK 3
2.2.2 配置Android SDK 3
2.2.3 Myeclipse2014配置ADT 3
3 Android简介 4
3.1 Android系统架构 4
3.1.1 Linux内核层 4
3.1.2 系统运行层 4
3.1.3 应用框架层 4
3.1.4 应用层 4
3.2 Android 应用开发特色 5
3.2.1 四大组件 5
3.2.2 足够多的控件 5
3.2.3 SQLite 数据库 5
3.2.4 丰富的多媒体工具 6
3.2.5 特别多的传感器 6
4 可行性研究 6
4.1 技术可行性 6
4.2 经济可行性 6
4.3 操作可行性 6
4.4 法律可行性 7
5 需求分析 7
5.1 功能需求分析 7
5.2 数据流分析 8
5.3 E-R图分析 9
5.4 状态分析 10
6 系统设计 11
6.1 功能分解设计 11
6.2 数据库设计 12
6.3 界面设计 14
7 系统实现 16
7.1 启动界面实现 16
7.2 首页界面实现 17
7.3 单词学习模块实现 18
7.4 单词复习模块实现 20
7.5 单词测试模块实现 21
7.6 生词本模块实现 22
7.7 配置文件 22
7.8 数据库连接 23
8 总结和展望 23
8.1 全文总结 23
8.2 展望 23
参考文献 : 24
致谢 25