基于安卓Android的学生干部选举系统APP的设计(Eclipse IDE)(论文14000字,程序代码)
关键词: Android系统; 学生干部选举; 移动应用程序
Design and Implementation of Student Cadre Election System Based on Android
Abstract:The world today is an information age, and it tends to be a data era. The use of a portable mobile platform to handle information management problems can improve work efficiency with maximum advantages. With the update speed of modern networks, various colleges and universities across the country have gradually begun to develop campus network management, and this management method has also begun to spread in all walks of life; the rapid replacement of mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers has enabled the realization of The integration of student cadre election management has become more and more important. In the past, schools organized classmates’ meetings through class meetings, then conducted anonymous polls, statistics, and class teachers conducted final decisions on class cadre candidates and a series of processes to complete a class cadre. The elections are mainly based on artificial statistics. The efficiency is neither high nor time consuming. This system is in line with the trend of development and has established a system for managing student cadre elections on mobile devices.
This article introduces a system developed on a mobile platform that solves some unnecessary waste of resources during the class cadre election process. It is also convenient for students and teachers to develop operations on mobile platforms. And not subject to the constraints of the computer. The system is mainly analyzed from the perspectives of students and teachers, and two major modules are established. The two modules constitute the final realization of the entire system; the paper first learned and analyzed student cadre elections and related work. Then, it describes the requirements analysis and feasibility analysis required by the system. Secondly, the paper outlines the general functions of the two modules in the summary description, and makes corresponding detailed analysis in the detailed description. Finally, after the implementation is completed, This paper summarizes the research and analysis work done in this paper and looks forward to further work.
Key words: Android System; Student Cadre Elections; Mobile Apps
第一章 绪论,介绍研究的国内外研究的现状、背景及意义、以及研究的内容和论文的结构。
第二章 系统需求分析及相关技术介绍,分析该系统的需求分析,从模块需求、可行性、功能性、操作性等方面对系统的实现进行分析;相关技术内容主要包括Android平台的基础知识,还有所使用的语言及数据库的相关知识。
第三章 系统概要设计,从系统的整体结构,模块的分布以及各项职能,用结构图等来展现系统的结构,还简单介绍了数据库的设计,描述了外部数据库和各个表和字段。
第四章 系统详细设计,在概要设计的基础上,具体分析各模块的各个细节,并通过详细的叙述来描述各模块。
第五章 系统实现,根据系统的详细设计和外部数据库设计在Android平台上完成整个系统的实现。
第六章 总结,对全文进行总结。

目 录
1、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景/国内外研究现状 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 研究内容 1
1.4 论文结构 2
2、系统需求分析及相关技术介绍 2
2.1 系统要求 3
2.2 需求分析 3
2.3 可行性研究 3
2.3.1 技术可行性研究 3
2.3.2 法律可行性研究 3
2.3.3 应用可行性研究 3
2.4 安全性和完整性要求 4
2.5 相关技术介绍 4
2.5.1 Android基础知识简介 4
2.5.2 Java技术简介 4
2.5.3 SQLite数据库简介 5
3、系统概要设计 5
3.1 系统总体设计 5
3.2 系统功能模块图 6
3.2.1学生模块需求分析 6
3.2.2教师模块需求分析 6
3.3 处理流程 6
3.4 数据库设计 7
3.4.1 数据库设计概述 7
3.4.2 概念结构设计 7
3.4.3 逻辑结构设计 9
4、系统详细设计 11
4.1 系统结构设计 11
4.2 活动设计 12
4.3 登录系统设计 13
4.4 学生投票设计 14
4.5 学生干部管理设计 14
4.6 教师决策设计 15
4.7 个人中心设计 16
4.7.1 修改密码设计 16
4.7.2 公告栏设计 16
4.8 首页以及查询界面 17
5、系统实现 17
5.1 用户登录模块的实现 17
5.2 学生投票模块的实现 20
5.3 教师决策模块的实现 21
5.4 学生干部管理模块的实现 21
5.5 个人信息管理模块的实现 22
5.5.1修改密码模块的实现 23
5.5.2发布公告栏模块的实现 23
6、总结 25
参考文献 25
致谢 27