RSS (Really Simple Syndication)是共享在线内容的一种方式,也是一种显示和同步网站信息的格式。网站通过提供RSS输出,可以利于用户获取网站的最近更新的内容。基于此,可以说RSS搭建了一个信息迅速传播的技术平台,能够带给用户更加便捷的网络体验。
而将RSS技术和Android应用软件相结合正好可以实现一款基于Android的RSS阅读器,满足用户的需求,给用户带来极大的便利。实现一款基于Android的RSS阅读器,可以利用eclipse集成开发环境,运用ADT、JDK以及Android SDK等相关工具来进行开发。本文概括的介绍了Google Android平台以及RSS的一些相关基础知识,具体介绍了Android平台的RSS阅读器的开发过程。
Today, in the mobile Internet era, the traditional information dissemination has been unable to meet the growing demand for diversification, especially with the widespread adoption of smartphones, tablets and e-readers, people accept the way information have more choices , access to information channels are also wider, news client mobile terminals are increasingly being loved by the people, it has become one of the most downloaded APP. Android is designed specifically for mobile devices software development platform, has a better system openness, rich applications and good performance to give the number of mobile phone equipment manufacturers and mobile operators support. At the same time, due to the rapid development of the network, the network information in different ways, the accuracy of people's access to information is also getting lower and lower, based on this, coupled with the widespread popularity of the reader software to design a user can quickly get interested in news newsreader software is necessary.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a way to share content online, but also a format and synchronization information on the website is displayed. Website by providing RSS output, can help users access to the Web's most recently updated content. Based on this, we can say RSS set up a rapid dissemination of information technology platform, users can bring more convenient Internet experience.
The RSS technology and the Android application software combination can just implement an Android-based RSS reader, to meet the needs of users, giving users great convenience. Achieve an Android-based RSS reader, you can use eclipse integrated development environment, the use of ADT, JDK and the Android SDK and other tools for development. This article describes the general RSS Google Android platform and some basic knowledge, specific description of the RSS reader Android platform development process.
Keywords :Google Andorid; RSS; SAX algorithm

目 录
摘要 I
目 录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 背景及其意义 1
1.1.1 背景介绍 1
1.1.2 课题意义 1
1.2 课题研究方法及其内容 1
1.3 小结 2
第2章 关于ANDROID 移动平台的理论 3
2.1 ANDROID 移动平台简介 3
2.1.1 Android系统的特点 3
2.1.2 Android的功能 3
2.2 小结 4
第3章 基于ANDROID的阅读器关键技术 5
3.1 RSS 技术的研究 5
3.2. SAX解析算法 5
3.2.1 SAX算法概述 5
3.2.2 SAX算法的优势 5
3.3 ANDROID 移动平台控件的选择 6
3.3.1 Android系统控件与自定义控件的比较 6
3.3.2 Android 自定义控件的实现 6
3.4 小结 7
第4章 系统功能分析 8
4.1 需求分析 8
4.1.1系统开发背景 8
4.1.2 系统功能描述 8
4.1.3系统页面流转图 9
4.1.4系统功能结构 9
4.2 主要技术解决方案 9
4.2.1 界面设计方案选择 10
4.2.2 RSS解析方法选择 10
第5章 系统功能实现 11
5.1 系统开发平台 11
5.2 系统框架 11
5.3 系统实现 12
5.3.1 界面设计 12
5.3.2 网络读取 17
5.3.3 RSS源的读取及解析 17
5.3.4 新闻列表呈现 19
5.3.5 新闻页面的显示 19
5.3.6 数据库与存储技术 20
5.4 小结 21
第六章 总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24