摘 要
关键字:智能手机 ; android ; 电子书阅读器
Modern times is a belongs to the information age, delicate computer, intelligent mobile phone, embodies the informationization brings the convenience to our life. But then came and working environment of the fast pace of modern life. How to reasonably make use of time in the fast pace of life, it is a challenge for us. And, cell phone becomes convenient, allows us to more dependent on cell phones. Today's mobile phone has become is our work and study and daily life indispensable communication tools. Modern intelligent mobile phone, is not only a communication tools can make a phone call, send text messages, or one who has a strong ability to scale processing tools. And the powerful processing capabilities and can expand capacity are based on a good mobile phone operating system. While the android is now one of the most widely used mobile phone operating system.
To the purpose of this article is mainly an e-book reader based on Android, the design and implementation of the project design USES the Android platform, based on the analysis of the intelligent mobile phone e-book reader design, close to the project decomposition, complete the function design of the project, completed the design of the e-book reader. This project design mainly has realized the basic function of reading, personalized font size adjustment, the adjustment of the font, mode conversion, schedule adjustment, folder setting, the background color transformation, read operation, etc.
Key words: smart phones ; android ; e-book reader

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 设计思路和研究方法 4
2.1 设计思路 4
2.2 研究方法 4
第3章 关键技术和工具 5
3.1 Android平台 5
3.1.1 应用程序框架 5
3.1.2 Java语言 5
3.1.3 四大组件 5
3.2 SQL server 6
3.3 Tomcat服务器 6
第4章 需求分析 7
4.1 软件的基本功能要求 7
4.2 系统架构 8
4.3 开发环境 8
第5章 详细设计 9
5.1 数据库设计 9
5.1.1 数据库表格设计 9
5.1.2 建表语句 10
5.1.3 数据字典 10
5.2 客户端设计 11
5.2.1 书架界面 11
5.2.2 登陆界面 13
5.2.3 设置功能 15
第6章 项目实现 17
6.1 书架界面 17
6.2 登陆界面 19
6.3 阅读书籍 20
6.4 设置管理 21
第7章 结论 26
参考文献 28
致 谢 29