摘 要
With the improvement of living standards, traditional home model has been difficult to meet the needs of human life, in order to improve the way of life and follow the trend of the times, wireless control technology is introduced in the home system, enable people in remote can of home system of operation and control, the smart home system has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. But because the system involves a lot of hardware knowledge, in order to realize the intelligent home system must with the aid of a lot of network communication and related hardware knowledge, these in terms of cost, technology still has many shortcomings, so the system only for Android client user interface design, client design user login registration interface, and the additions and deletions of telecontrol equipment processing. The system is mainly for users of the Android client, the basic realization of some of the processing of a remote, but truly remote control, still need to further improvement.This paper first introduces the smart home system in the current research status at home and abroad, the technology and its application to be briefly. In the part of design, the client of the system design and the constitution, and various parts of the function are introduced in detail, but due to the shortage of hardware knowledge shortage and capital, only to realize the system required core knowledge, will write the idea and deficiency of the system put forward.
Keywords: Android, intelligent home, client

目 录
1 绪论 6
1.1研究背景 6
1.2国内外研究现状 6
1.3研究目的及意义 7
1.4论文结构 7
2系统开发环境及关键技术 8
2.2 Java在当今编程时代的优越性 9
2.3 Android操作系统的简单介绍 9
2.4 本章小结 10
3系统分析与概要设计 11
3.1功能需求 11
3.2系统的功能结构 11
3.3系统模块功能设计 12
3.3.1智能家居客户端 12
3.3.2智能家居控制终端 12
3.3.3智能家居服务系统 13
3.4本章小结 15
4系统详细设计与实现 15
4.1数据库设计 16
4.2注册登录模块 17
4.3增删遥控器界面 18
4.4 用户服务系统 20
4.5本章小结 21
5总结与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24