摘 要
第一, 语音浏览器支持用语音控制和语音输出用户需要的信息。
第二, 克服了常规网页正文抽取算法的不足,设计了较为准确高效的通用资讯类网页正文抽取算法,其正文抽取准确率高于90%。
第三, 基于JavaScript与Java交互的技术,语音浏览器向用户提供自动登录邮箱,播报邮件列表与内容的功能。
目前语音浏览器已通过百度APP Stroe对上百种机型的系统性测试,已在各
With the development of information industry, the Internet has become an important source of information. However, the designers of Internet did not take into account the needs of the amblyopia or visually impaired users in the original, they lost a way to obtain information rapidly. So they will not be able to enjoy the benefits of technological advancements. This article give some solution of Android-based speech browser to solve the problem which they are difficult to obtain information.
After the requirement analyzed, they are in bad need of news, weather forecast and emails. There are some good quality speech assistant, such as Siri, it provides voice conversation, and the UC provides voice search. Unfortunately, these apps can not speak news and emails automatically, what’s more, it is bad performance on web pages content extracting. This article notice that the apps are lacking in app store, and provide the browser solution creatively which can speak news and emails automatically and extract web pages content efficiently.
This solution is able to resolve user instructions based on IFLYTEK Speech Recognition, and obtain information access to the Internet by WebView. This article design an algorithm of extracting web pages content and use IFLYTEK Text to Speech to speak the useful information by pretreatment.
This article addresses the key issues are the following:
First, in this system will support Speech Recognition and Text to Speech.
Second, it overcomes inadequate of ordinary algorithm of content extracting and design an accurate and efficient algorithm, the accuracy is more than 90 percent.
Third, it provides a method for automatic logon mailbox based on JavaScript and Java’s interaction technology to broadcast the mail list and mail content.
The Speech Browser passed system testing of Baidu App Store which need to be tested by hundreds Android smart phones. In order to help visually impaired users to get information from the Internet and enjoy the benefits of technological advancements, it has been shelved in many major app stores and meets the requirements of instructor.
Keywords: Visually Impaired, Browser, Speech Recognition, Text to Speech
第4章是界面设计部分,主要介绍本APP界面布局上的一些特殊处理方式。APP UI设计的好坏会影响到用户的体产品体验,好的体验会让用户有较高的支持度,进而产生依赖,达到产品设计的初衷。

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究意义 4
1.4 研究内容与预期目标 4
1.5 论文组织结构 5
第2章 需求分析 6
2.1 基本功能需求 6
2.2 浏览器界面需求 8
2.3 其他需求 8
第3章 浏览器项目构建 9
3.1 系统设计 9
3.2 功能性设计 10
3.2.1 “摇一摇”功能 10
3.2.2 语音识别功能 11
3.2.3 新闻播报功能 13
3.2.4 邮件播报功能 17
3.2.5 天气预报 21
3.2.6 位置播报 23
3.2.7 书签与历史记录 24
3.2.8 首页导航功能 25
3.3 非功能性设计 26
3.3.1 安卓应用软件开发技术 26
3.3.2 项目源码结构 28
3.3.3 全局错误收集与日志记录 29
3.3.4 GIT代码托管 31
3.3.5 APK打包与代码混淆 32
第4章 浏览器界面设计 33
4.1 整体界面设计 33
4.2 滑动切换 33
4.3 浏览器弹出框 34
4.3.1 菜单 35
4.3.2 标题栏 36
4.4 沉浸式状态栏 36
4.5 数显进度条 36
第5章 浏览器性能优化 37
5.1 启动速度优化 37
5.2 多线程技术 37
5.3 数据缓存 38
5.4 设计模式 38
5.5 内存泄漏 39
5.6 安装包体积优化 39
5.7 屏幕适配 40
5.8 整体优化策略 40
第6章 仿真与测试 41
6.1 理论分析 41
6.2 测试用例 42
6.3 单元测试与仿真 44
6.4 网页正文抽取算法 47
6.5 主流机型真机测试 48
6.6 测试结果总结 51
第7章 结论与展望 53
7.1 结论 53
7.2 展望 55
参考文献 56
附录 58
致谢 59