摘 要
关键词:文字识别;Android ;二值化处理; 直线检测
The arrival of the 21st century, all kinds of science and technology got rapid development. The rapid development of information technology makes human beings into a new era of the Internet of things, almost everyone has his own mobile terminals. With the development of the era, mobile phone operating system is constantly updated, all kinds of application based on mobile terminal also constantly produce. The existing image character recognition, many of them are based on the PC terminal is not popular in portable mobile terminals. So, the character recognition technology based on mobile terminal research has certain practical significance.
On the mobile terminal character recognition at home and abroad are analyzed in this paper the requirements and current conditions, as well as the character recognition technology, key technology such as image processing was studied. Based on the present situation of design implements a card image character recognition software based on Android platform, the technology for specific steps: (1) access to the source image, images or photo album selected directly by mobile phone camera; (2) the source image preprocessing, including: image cropping, grayscale transformation, binarization processing, median filtering; (3) using opencv straight line detection, the use of node information of grayscale image affine transformation to extract the card information; (4), which can identify the processed images by tessract identify needs of text, and display.
After the test, this paper designed character recognition system can realize the text contained in images accurately identified, and the rate of accuracy and has certain guarantee, meet the design requirements, basic can be used in real life.
Key words: word recognition; Android ; binarization processing; line detection

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景 1
1.2文字识别技术的国内外研究概况 2
1.3课题的研究对象及其意义 3
第2章 相关技术的理论基础 4
2.1文字识别技术 4
2.1.1文字识别技术的发展历史 4
2.1.2文字识别技术的应用 4
2.2 智能手机操作系统的种类 5
2.2.1 Android操作系统 6
2.2.2 IOS操作系统 8
2.2.3 Windows Phone 操作系统 9
2.3图像处理技术 9
2.3.1图像灰度化处理 9
2.3.2图像二值化 12
2.4 Tesseract引擎 14
第3章 系统需求分析及设计 15
3.1文字识别系统的设计框架 15
3.2文字识别系统的界面设计 16
3.3 图像预处理模块 17
3.3.1图像的裁剪 17
3.3.2图像的灰度化 18
3.3.3图像二值化处理 19
3.3.4直线检测 19
3.3.5交点检测 20
3.3.6仿射变换 20
3.4 图像文字识别 20
第4章 系统测试与分析 22
4.1系统运行环境 22
4.2软件操作界面 23
4.3软件功能模块测试 24
4.3.1图像来源选择功能 24
4.3.2图像预处理模块 26
4.3.3结果显示模块 27
4.4系统性能分析 27
4.5结果分析 29
第5章 总结 31
5.1工作总结 31
5.2工作展望 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33