2011年国内炙手可热的服务模式O2O引发了全民狂欢和又一波的创业潮,O2O关键技术即定位技术。随着人们生活水平的提高以及对个性化服务、个性化信息需求更加旺盛的形势下,基于位置服务(LBS,Location-Based Services)得到了越来越多的的到人们的广泛关注。
2011 domestic hot service model O2O national carnival and sparked another wave of start-ups, O2O key technology that is positioning technology. With the improvement of people's living standards under and personalized service, personalized information needs more vigorous situation, location-based services (LBS, Location-Based Services) has been more and more attention to the people.
With respect to the broad needs of positioning technology, coupled with the widely deployed WiFi routing equipment, comprehensive utilization of WiFi signal routing directions to locate become a hot topic.
This paper takes full advantage of the signal intensity as a position location data sources, through the possible comparison and actual practice algorithms to verify the practicability of the configuration and algorithms. Select a position signal based on the intensity ratio of the positioning method, with the Android system practice. Specific ways, first of positioning needs space for routing equipment deployment, and then dividing the sampling points, collect data on the routing signal sampling point, co-location coordinates to establish a position information database. Can be carried out after the completion of the deployment of work positioning, terminal anywhere Andrews Machine incoming routing information data can be evaluated to return location information. Experiments show that, with the necessary hardware environment and test the algorithm, accuracy and precision positioning are very impressive. With a lower cost location, well worth the simultaneous expansion in the use of each scene have value.
Key Words:Positioning system; Android; Signal intensity ratio based on the position of the positioning

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外现状分析 1
1.3 基于WiFi定位可行性研究 2
1.3.1 技术可行性 2
1.3.2 经济可行性 2
1.3.3 其他特性 2
1.4 主要研究内容 2
1.5 本文章节安排 3
第2章技术方案分析 4
2.1 基于损耗模型建立的室内定位方法 4
2.2 基于位置信号强度比对定位方法 5
第3章核心开发技术及环境介绍 7
3.1 服务器核心技术介绍 7
3.1.1 Maven工具 7
3.1.2 Spring框架 7
3.2 客户端开发技术介绍 7
3.2.1 数据交换格式Json及Gson介绍 8
第4章系统设计 9
4.1 系统总体结构 9
4.2 数据库设计 9
4.3 服务器关键接口 10
4.4 安卓端开发目录 12
第5章系统实现及展示 14
5.1 安卓核心部分实现 14
5.1.1 主页界面 14
5.1.2 主页侧滑布局 14
5.1.3 定位绘制方法 15
5.1.4 客户端获取WiFi信号方法 16
5.2 服务器端核心功能实现 18
5.2.1 构建位置信号数据库 18
5.2.2 位置信号强度比对方法 19
5.3 成果展示及精度 23
第6章总结和展望 25
6.1总结 25
6.2展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27