摘 要
关键词:智能手机 Android 百度地图API 阳光长跑
The Design of the Running With sunshine Based On Android system
With rapid development of smart phone as well as 3G and 4G network popularization, the demand of smart phones and good mobile applications grows rapidly. At the same time, the market share of the Android system based on the Linux platform that developed by Google is growing with the update of its version in a high speed. Due to the extremely low development cost and plenty of exploitation resources, more and more people are going to catch the trend Android application development. Intelligent mobile phone has become indispensable in parts of people's daily life ,so the development of mobile applications have a very large development space, it can bring more health and convenience to people's lives, running motion is one of them. Simple operation, easy to use and feature rich running software will bring to life a lot of good impact, and will enable more people like sports, maintain a healthy body.
This paper introduces running software based on the Android system: the design and implementation of running with shine. "Running with sunshine" is also a running software based on baidu Map API, through the baidu map it can achieve high accuracy of position, draw track of running and calculate calories and so on. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic characteristics of the Android system, and detailed explanation of the Android development environment such as eclipse. Then, the map API is compared and analyzed, the Baidu map is selected, and the paper introduce the Baidu Map API. After choosing Baidu map API as the core, the paper analyses the of process of the software development including the interface design and the functional module.
Key Words : smart phones; Android; Baidu Map API; unning with sunshine
Android sdk版本:4.1.2

摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景和意义 1
1.2 Android的发展趋势和前景 1
1.3 本文的安排 3
第二章 系统分析 4
2.1 研究过程 4
2.1.1 Android的系统架构 4
2.2.2 百度地图API的选择 5
2.2 需求分析 6
2.3 性能需求 8
第三章 运行环境与应用开发 9
3.1 Android开发环境介绍 9
3.2 Android开发环境搭建 9
3.2.1安装JDK 9
3.2.2 下载安装Eclipse 10
3.2.3 配置Android虚拟机 10
3.3 构建Hello BaiduMap工程 11
第四章 系统设计 14
4.1 界面设计 14
4.2 系统流程图 17
第五章 系统应用开发 19
5.1 欢迎界面 19
5.2 Home界面实现 20
5.3 日程提醒功能实现 21
5.4 地图关键功能实现 23
5.4.1 布局实现 25
5.4.2 定位功能实现 25
5.4.3 轨迹绘制实现 26
第六章 程序调试和问题处理 28
6.1 开发过程中遇到的问题和处理 28
6.2 设计改进 30
结 语 31
参考文献 33
致 谢 34