摘要:本论文主要介绍了基于安卓的移动图书馆客户端软件的设计和实现,重点完成了注册、登录、借阅图书、信息搜索、版本检测、清除缓存、修改密码、评论几个功能。本课题的开发工具选择Android studio,主要使用Java语言进行开发,使用Bmob后端云存储数据。本论文主要分为五个章节,记录了项目从设计开始到设计完成整个过程。从课题的研究背景引申出系统开发的目的与意义;再对实现设计需要的相关平台和技术进行介绍;接着进行需求分析与可行性分析,然后进行总体设计,包括功能模块设计和流程图设计;接下来是对数据库的概念及逻辑设计;再接着是系统具体实现的过程以及结果展示;最后对论文进行总结。
关键词:安卓;移动图书馆;Bmob;Android studio
The Design And Developmemt Of Mobile Library
Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of Android-based mobile library client software. It focuses on the registration, login, borrowing books, information search, version detection, clearing the cache, changing passwords, and reviewing several functions. The development tool for this topic is Android studio, which is mainly developed using Java language and uses Bmob backend cloud to store data. This paper is divided into five chapters and records the entire process from the beginning of design to the completion of the design. From the research background of the project, the purpose and significance of the system development is derived; then the related platforms and technologies needed to realize the design are introduced; then the requirements analysis and feasibility analysis are performed, and then the overall design is completed, including the design of the functional modules and the flow chart design; Next is the concept and logical design of the database; followed by the process of the specific implementation of the system and the results shown; the final summary of the paper.
Key words:Android; mobile library ;Bomb;Android studio

1 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2系统开发的目的与意义 1
1.3开发工具及开发环境简介 2
1.3.1 JAVA技术介绍 2
1.3.2 Android 介绍 3
1.3.3 Android Studio介绍 6
1.3.4 Bmob平台介绍 7
1.4本章小结 7
2系统的分析与设计 8
2.1需求分析 8
2.2可行性分析 8
2.2.1经济可行性 8
2.2.2技术可行性 9
2.2.3操作可行性 9
2.3系统功能模块设计 9
2.4系统流程图设计 10
2.5本章小结 11
3 数据库的设计 12
3.1 数据库概念设计 12
3.2数据库逻辑设计 13
3.2.1用户数据表 13
3.2.2图书数据表 13
3.3本章小结 14
4 系统的实现 14
4.1用户注册登录 14
4.2首页设计 15
4.2.1搜索功能的实现 16
4.2.2新闻查看功能的实现 17
4.2.3图书借阅功能的实现 17
4.2.4发表评论功能的实现 19
4.3用户界面设计 19
4.3.1还书功能的实现 19
4.3.2续借功能的实现 20
4.4设置界面设计 21
4.4.1修改头像功能的实现 21
4.4.2修改密码功能的实现 22
4.5本章小结 23
5总结 23
参考文献 23
致谢 24
附录 25