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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK716070 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK716070
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摘  要
本系统功能清晰简单明了,其中主要包括了四大功能模块:派发任务模块、ICMP Poolling模块、入库模块和告警模块。最终为整个网络管理系统提供了一个分析ICMP数据包的结果。

关键词:JSP  网络管理  B/S结构模式  MVC  Spring

With the development and expansion of computer technology.Now many enterprise to adopt network management system for network management system development to provide the solid foundation.Network management system is a software and hardware combined with software primarily distributed network application system, its purpose is to network management ,network efficient normal operation.
The system which adopts the B/S structure and the opened-source Spring , uses a technique of JSP. It uses JDBC technique to link database. In the safe of login’s problem, I analyze traditional Web login’s basic principle and its blemish. Using the Session object of the Web server, data encrypted technique and picture verify technique boost up user login safe strategy in the internet.
In addition, it introduced some technology of developing the system, such as B/S structure ,XML,JSP etc. It introduced a software system structure and function of each module system for the detailed design. Also the Chinese garbled pages of issues are resolved. The system is a simple conclusion .The system of innovation pointed out the deficiencies of the system and will improve the research work and the prospect.
This system function clear, simple mainly includes four functional modules: task modules distributed, ICMP Poolling modules , storage module and alarm module,. Final results for the network management a result of analysis ICMP packet.

Key words:JSP  Network management  B/S  MVC  Spring

目  录
1 前  言    1
1.1 开发背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 系统设计目标    1
1.4 研究的意义    2
2 系统开发所采用的技术    3
2.1 Oracle数据库    3
2.2 TCP/IP    3
2.3 Quartz定时器    4
2.4 开发工具MyEclipse8.5    4
2.5 JPCAP    4
3 ICMP性能监控系统需求分析    6
3.1 系统的可行性研究    6
3.2 功能分析    6
3.3 系统开发环境    7
3.4 系统的功能介绍    7
4 系统总体设计    9
4.1 ICMP Poolling模块的主要功能设计    9
4.2 数据库设计    10
4.3 数据库连接    19
5 详细设计及其实现    20
5.1 登录模块    20
5.2 派发模块    21
5.3 ICMP Poolling模块    22
5.4 入库模块    25
5.5 告警模块    27
6 系统测试    30
6.1 测试概论    30
6.2 IMCP 性能监控模块采用的测试方法    30
6.3 ICMP 性能监控模块功能测试    30
结  论    32
谢  辞    33
参考文献    34
附  录    35
