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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK710014 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK710014
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摘 要

Book sales & management system based on C/S
With the rapid development of science and technology,the computer not only gradually into the ordinary people family, become an indispensable part of People's Daily life, and in many fields such as industry, agriculture, business plays a big role. Computer is widely used to improve the economic benefit, the life of efficiency, realize modernization management, scientific, intelligent, etc has played a pivotal role, and achieved significant effect.
Book sales & management system based on C/S is specially designed for book sales unit, it has replaced the past record of accountant and cashier "books" and the management, the staff to bring convenient at the same time also greatly improve their work efficiency, quicken the steps of the management, to avoid the chaos accounts, the problem such as onerous, meeting the needs of the modern office.
This system is mainly used in Java GUI (graphical user interface) and AWT programming, development environment for Eclipse, using MySQL5.0 database. Overall framework USES the three-tier architecture model, namely the display layer, business layer, data layer, greatly reduces the coupling of the program. System's main features include: sales management, inventory management, books management, category management, press five big function module, convenient and quick to help bookstore managers realize the books into management, save and pin.
Keywords: Book;Sales & Management;C / S structure



目  录
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题背景    1
1.2  目的和意义    1
1.3  开发工具及技术    1
1.3.1  开发工具    1
1.3.2  开发语言    2
1.3.3  开发结构及模式    3
1.4  软硬件需求    3
1.4.1  硬件需求    3
1.4.2  软件需求    3
2  需求分析    4
2.1  可行性分析    4
2.1.1  技术可行性    4
2.1.2  经济可行性    4
2.1.3  操作可行性    4
2.1.4  法律可行性    4
2.2  系统流程图    4
2.3  系统用户用例图    5
2.4  功能模块需求分析    5
2.5  设计的基本思路    6
2.6  性能需求    6
2.6.1  系统的易操作性    6
2.6.2  数据的正确性和完整性    7
2.6.3  数据的安全性    7
2.7  界面需求    7
3  系统分析与设计    8
3.1  数据库的分析与设计    8
3.1.1  数据库的需求分析    8
3.1.2  数据库的概念结构设计    8
3.1.3  数据库的逻辑结构设计    11
3.2  连接数据库的前期准备工作    14
3.2.1  编写配置读取类    14
3.2.2  编写JDBC操作类    16
3.2.3  创建数据转换工具类    17
4  系统功能的实现    19
4.1  创建数据库对象    19
4.2  管理员登陆页面    20
4.3  设计父类    21
4.4  出版社管理模块    23
4.5  书本管理模块    28
4.6  销售管理模块    35
5  系统测试    43
5.1  系统测试目的与意义    43
5.2  测试过程    43
5.2.1  登录模块测试    43
5.2.2  销售管理模块测试    44
5.2.3  库存管理模块测试    44
5.2.4  书本管理模块测试    44
结  论    46
参考文献    47
致  谢    48
英文文献原文    49
中文译文    55
