摘 要
自助建站系统是一种用于网站建设的软件工具,具有通用性强、方便使用等特点。本系统使用ASP.NET技术和C#编程语言,并结合SQL SERVER 2000数据库管理系统,构成“前台-后台”交互动作的动态模式。通过人性化的简便设置,可以生成建站者期望的小型门户网,包括美化和内容两方面。
关键词:小型门户网;自助建站系统;ASP.NET技术;C#;SQL SERVER 2000
The Design and Realization of
Small Website Self-Construction System
The small website self-construction system is an tool used in website construction. It is versatility and convenient. This system is developed based on ASP.NET technology, C # programming language and SQL SERVER 2000 Database Management System. It has the dynamic pattern which is consisted of the onstage – backstage. The system can produce website by simple setting, including the landscaping and the content.
The system is consisted of the setting-module, management module and onstage template. The setting-module is composed of the home-page setup, and the classification of the main setup, reading-page setup and guestbook setup. The management module is composed of the website content management and the guestbook management. The onstage template gives the user’s template choices. The system is based on the browser and the backstage form which can manage the website. It is safe, openness, flexibility and so on.
Key words: small website; website self-construction system; ASP.Net technology; C#; SQL SERVER 2000