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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK7823 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK7823
2.资料以网页介绍的为准,下载后不会有水印.资料仅供学习参考之用. 帮助

摘   要
  系统平台设计时,采用的是Dreamweaver MX为开发工具,利用asp技术,以ACCESS数据库作为后台数据库,WEB服务采用Win2000平台的IIS实现。系统有一个功能强大的后台管理系统:可以进行人员管理,权限管理,课件管理。本系统由用户注册与登录模块、功能模块、课件上传与下载功能模块、课件搜索模块、密码验证模块五个模块组成,用户只需要通过浏览器访问就可以实现操作。


The Design and Implementation of Online Courseware Management System
  Nowadays, the internet technology develops rapidly, which brings people great convenience, for example, the online teaching. The first step of online teaching is publishing the teaching content on the internet, people just need to choose what they want and download it. This dissertation designs and implements a Web-based online courseware management system. The system provides courseware upload and download. The uploading uses upload components. Client side is compiled by VBscript, as suits any browsers which support VBscript, include IE.
  The whole system is composed of Dreamweaver, asp and ACCESS. The WEB server uses IIS based on WINDOWS 2000. This system has a powerful backstage, it realizes the following: user management, authorization management, and course management. The system consists of user registration and login module, management module, courseware uploading and downloading function module, courseware search module and password authentication module. Users only need visit the browser and the operation can be achieved.
  Key words: Online Courseware Management System; Online Teaching; asp

目     录
1引言 1
2系统总体设计 1
2.1系统概要 1
2.2系统功能模块构成 1
2.3 功能模块具体介绍 2
2.3.1用户注册与登录功能模块 2
2.3.2管理功能模块 4
2.3.3课件上传与下载功能模块 4
2.3.4课件搜索功能模块 5
2.3.5密码验证功能模块 5
2.4 系统数据库表设计 5
3.开发环境与开发工具 5
3.1 开发环境 5
3.2 开发工具 6
3.2.1 Dreamweaver MX 6
3.2.2 asp技术 6
4 系统实现 6
4.1 系统主界面设计 6
4.2 用户注册与登录功能模块设计 7
4.2.1 登录页面 7
4.2.2 登录成功页面 9
4.2.3 登录失败页面 10
4.2.4 注册页面 11
4.3.5 注册成功页面 12
4.2.6 注册失败页面 13
4.3 管理功能模块设计 13
4.3.1 用户修改信息页面 13
4.3.2 用户找回密码功能 14
4.3.3 管理员编辑用户信息和删除用户 14
4.3.4 课件管理 15
4.4 课件上传与下载功能模块设计 16
4.4.1 无组件上传类文件 16
4.4.2 文件上传平台 17
4.4.3 文件上传功能页 18
4.4.4 下载功能页 21
4.5 课件搜索功能模块设计 21
4.6 密码验证功能模块 23
5 系统测试 25
结    论 25
参考文献 25
致    谢 26
声    明 27

