摘 要:受高级中学的委托,为满足该校师生能够快速获取、发布和传递学校信息,特构建铁富高级中学网站系统。本文所开发的就是一个基于ASP技术的动态校园网站的设计和实现,该网站主要由新闻动态、留言板、网站后台管理三大主要模块组成。留言系统提供了用户签写留言,查看留言的功能,后台管理系统为管理员提供了对网站系统管理的平台。另外网站还实现了一些其它功能,如信息阅读次数统计,校园公告栏,工作信息和学校概况。本网站采用了B/S体系结构,以asp 作为前台开发工具,以Microsoft Access作为网站的后台数据库. The website of Tiefu senior middle school Abstract:The Tiefu senior middle school's request, for is satisfied this school teachers and students to be able fast to gain, to issue and transmits the school information, especially constructs the Tiefu senior middle school website system. This article develops is one based on the ASP technology dynamic campus website design and the realization, this website mainly by the news tendency, the message version, the website backstage manages three big modules to be composed. The message system has provided the user the abbreviation message, examined the message the function, the backstage management system management system has provided for the manager to the website system administration platform. Moreover the website has also realized some other functions, like the information reading number of times statistics, the campus bulletin board, works the information and the school survey. This website has used B/S architecture,By asp took the onstage development kit, takes the website by Microsoft Access the backstage database. 序 言 1 第1章 网站的总体设计 2 第2章 数据库设计 10 第3章 网站子模块的设计 14 第4章 网站的发布与运行 27 结 论 32