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摘 要:湖南是我国的农业大省,也是食品工业的原料大省,拥有得天独厚的资源条件,对食品工业的发展有良好的基础,但由于湖南食品工业产业集群发展滞后,使得其与其他发达省份相比仍有较大的差距。本文通过运用波特的钻石模型,从生产要素、需求状况、相关产业、企业战略以及政府和机遇六个方面入手,对湖南食品工业产业集群存在的优势和不足进行分析,并在此基础上提出进一步提升湖南食品工业产业集群竞争力的建议。
The Study of Hunan Food Industry Competitiveness of Industrial Clusters
Abstract: Hunan is a major agricultural province in china. It is also a province which produce raw materials for the food. Due to the unique resource conditions, Its food industry has a good foundation. However, Hunan food industry lags behind the development of industrial clusters, There is still a large gap if we compare with other developed provinces. Through the use of Porter's diamond model By this article. We will start from the factors of production, demand conditions, related industries, business strategies and opportunities for the government. Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages which is for the Hunan food industry cluster. On this basics, we will recommend how to enhance the competivitiveness of industrial clusters which is used to the Hunan food industry.
Key words: Hunan food industry; Diamond model; Competitiveness of industrial clusters