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摘 要:家庭服务业被越来越多的家庭所需要。其虽被誉为“朝阳产业”, 但该行业目前还存在诸多弊端,严重影响其发展,国外无论是发达国家都在扶持家庭服务业发展。正因为以上原因,需要财政对家庭服务业发展进行扶持,促进家庭服务业健康发展。现有的财政扶持方式有服务消费券模式,税收优惠和小额担保贷款专项担保金等方式提供了一些经验。但是,财政扶持家庭服务业发展中存在一些资金总量、结构、扶持方式等方面的困境,需要创新财政政策的创新,加快家庭服务业的发展。
Financial Support in Domestic Service Development Research
Abstract: Family services was more and more families need. Although it is known as "sunrise industry", but the industry is now also many disadvantages exist, the serious influence its development, foreign both developed countries have domestic service in support. Because of those reasons, for family services require financial support and promote the development the healthy development of domestic service. The existing financial support means has service consumption tax benefits and coupons mode, small assure loan means such as special security provides some experience. But domestic service, financial support existing in the development of some of the money supply, structure, support the plight of method etc., the need for innovation fiscal policy innovation, speed up the development of domestic service.
Key words: family services;Finance;