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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK77804 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK77804
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摘  要:加入WTO以来,我国进出口企业参与国际经济活动的范围和深度都显著改变,面临的汇率风险前所未有。央行逐步加入汇率波动范围,不断增强人民币汇率随市场变化的灵活性,选择了盯住一揽子货币,建立人民币汇率形成机制,汇改几年来,人民币持续升值,加之今年上半年以来,人民币汇率问题由此被推上万众瞩目的风口浪尖。人民币升值对我国对外贸易的影响是多方面的,有利于外贸产业结构的升级和企业“走出去”战略的实施,有利于引进高新技术和设备,但纺织、服装、鞋类等劳动密集型产品出口增速有所放缓,机电产品出口受到巨大冲击。本文从对外贸易结构角度,根据实际情况对人民币升值所产生的贸易结构效应进行分析,得出应该采取措施缓解人民币升值的压力,积极扩大内需,降低外贸依存度,开拓新兴市场,大力发展各种形式的对外贸易,来应对人民币升值对外贸结构所产生的影响。

The Impact Of Exchange Rate Change On The Structure Of China’s Foreign Trade
Abstract: Since joined WTO, China's import and export enterprises’ participation in international economic activities were deeply changed, the risks of exchange rate we faced which have ever been before. The central bank gradually expand the control of exchange rate fluctuations, and the flexibility of exchange rate of RMB in the market, Selected a currency of a basket, Established the exchange rate of RMB formation mechanism. In the recent years, RMB appreciation, the exchange rate of RMB’ issue absorbed lots of attention. RMB appreciation on China's foreign trade was multifaceted, it is good for upgrading of industrial structure of foreign trade and enterprises "going out" strategy, it is good for  the introduction of high technology and equipment, But the textile, clothing, footwear and other labor-intensive export growth was slowing, and huge impact on mechanical and electrical products exports. From the perspective of foreign trade structure, according to the actual situation on the revaluation effect of the resulting to analysis trade structure, China should take steps to ease the pressure of RMB appreciation, actively expand domestic demand, reduce dependence on foreign trade, emerging markets, and develop various forms of foreign trade, to deal with RMB appreciation on the impact of foreign trade structure.
Key words: Nominal exchange rate;RMB appreciation;Foreign trade structure
