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摘 要:电影产业作为文化产业的重要组成部分,对国家的经济发展发挥着越来越重要的作用,尤其是在发达国家。中国电影产业近些年在全球化的趋势下发展势头迅猛,但在拓展海外市场的过程中也遇到了不少的问题。本文将从中国电影产业发展的历程着手,讨论中国电影拓展海外市场的优势和劣势,用理论联系实际来研究中国电影拓展海外市场的策略,最后再对中国电影拓展海外市场进行展望。
The Study Of Chinese Film Overseas Market Expansion
Abstract:The film industry is playing an increasingly important role in the economic development of the country as an important part of cultural industries,especially in developed countries.Chinese film industry in recent years has the rapid development momentum under the trend of globalization,but in the process of expanding overseas market also encountered many problems.This article started from the history of Chinese film industry to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese film expanding overseas market.I will integrate theory with practice to study the strategy of Chinese film expanding overseas market,and finally look into the future of the tendency of the overseas market expansion about Chinese film.
Key words:globalization;Chinese film;overseas market;policy;strategy