来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK76951 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK76951
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摘 要:在大学生这群特殊的消费人群中,方便食品在大学生的生活消费中又占大量比重。本文通过研究大学生消费的行为特点,分析其消费水平,消费心理,了解大学生对方便食品的需求,喜欢消费方便食品的原因和不选择其产品的原因。从而找到制约大学生选择方便食品的因素,以找到合理发展方便食品的市场策略。
The Research on the Effect Factors of College Student Consume Convenient Food
Abstract: Instant foods make up a major part of living consumption of a special consumer group--university students. This essay analyzes the consumption level and consumption psychology by researching the consumption behavior characteristics of university students to figure out the need of instant foods of university students and the reasons why they like instant foods or why they do not choose the instant foods. Finally, we can figure out the elements which restrict the choice of university students in consuming instant foods and find out the reasonable market strategy to motivate the development of instant foods.
Key words: University student;Convenient food;Consume