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摘 要:7-11作为全球便利店领域的领头羊,其发展历程中呈现出独特的经营理念与管理方法。从1992年进驻深圳,开拓广阔的内地市场,时至今日,基本形成北京、上海、广州为中心的战略布局。然而,面对2006年中国内地解冻特许经营业务,鼓励服务业发展的机遇,如何调整7-11的营销策略应对内地零售业竞争日趋白热化的竞争,将成为其亟待解决的问题。本研究基于7-11在中国所面临的营销策略问题,通过SWOT分析法及4P营销理论对7-11便利店发展的内外环境研究进行分析,进一步深入地对企业拥有的优势与劣势以及面临的机会与威胁进行分析,并结合产品、价格、渠道、促销这四个方面对其营销策略提出相应的建议。
The Research of marketing strategy for the 7-Eleven convenience Chain
Abstract:Seven-Eleven,a global leader in convenience store industry, created its unique business philosophy and management approaches. To exploit mainland market, the first store was launched in Shenzhen since 1992;during the 20 years operating experience,Seven-Eleven’s businesses base in Bering,Shanghai and Guangzhou, strategically. While the franchising entrance license was untied by state to encourage service industry development from 2006. How to adjust the Seven -Eleven of the marketing strategy to deal with the mainland retail competition becomes increasingly intensified competition, the competition in domestic retailing would be increasing greatly, it would become the problem to be solved . This paper is based on Seven-Eleven faces marketing strategy problem in China. By means of SWOT analysis and 4 P marketing theory on 7-11 convenience store the internal and external environment analysis , further to enterprise has advantages and disadvantages as well as the opportunity, challenge and threats, and combine product, price, place, promotion in the aspects of its marketing strategy then puts forward relevant Suggestions.
Key words:Seven-Eleven; Convenience store; Chain operation; marketing strategy
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、绪论 2
(一)研究背景及意义 2
1.研究背景 2
2.研究意义 2
(二)国内外研究现状 3
1.营销理论 3
2.连锁理论 3
3.国内外研究现状评述 4
(三)研究方法 5
二、7-11连锁便利店营销策略的现状及问题 5
(一)7-11连锁便利店简介 5
(二)7-11连锁便利店营销策略的现状 5
(三)7-11连锁便利店营销策略存在的问题 6
三、7-11连锁便利的SWOT分析 6
(一)机会分析 6
(二)威胁分析 7
(三)优势分析 7
(四)劣势分析 8
(五)对SWOT分析的总结 8
四、7-11连锁便利店营销策略的选择 9
(一)7-11连锁便利店的市场细分与定位 9
1.市场细分 9
2.市场定位 9
(二)7-11连锁便利店的4P营销组合策略 9
1.产品策略 9
2.价格策略 10
3.渠道策略 10
4.促销策略 11
五、结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13 |