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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712725 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712725
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In twenty-first Century, a new wave of marketing is swept across and come. In the new market environment, marketing communication is no longer as usual the simple pursuit of consumer information indoctrination, but innovation to innovation, content innovation, media communication mode, thus to conquer every individual. Network marketing is not only a marketing tool, is also a kind of culture, is a kind of new culture in information society, and guide the media into a new mode of. Today is the rapid development of mobile Internet technology era, it is the essence of entertainment properties, survival so in Internet this "entertainment", marketing also must comply with the entertainment, interesting rules. Obviously, only consumers had the power to say "follow your volunteer, to choose their own like". To attract consumers, made some interesting "sugar" bait, while the marketing information hook clever wrapped in in different poses and with different expressions of interesting plot, nature is an effective way to attract the fish bait. The great internet marketing, his body is flowing taste of blood. At the same time, Reebok company is on trend, using social networking means of popular social media marketing in the marketing of the network, to create a unique marketing mode, to win more attention eyeball and new sales record.

Keywords:media;network marketing;new culture;social marketing

目  录
摘要      I
前 言    1
一、营销环境    1
(一)营销环境的演变    1
(二)网络营销    1
1、内涵    1
2、趋势    2
3、社会化媒体营销    2
(三)我国网络营销发展的制约因素    3
1、起步晚,技术落后    3
2、消费者信任度差    3
3、企业可信度不高    3
4、人才缺乏    3
5、物流程度跟不上    3
6、政府的力度    3
二、天猫锐步官方旗舰店(Reebok)    4
(一)背景介绍    4
1、演变    4
2、现状    4
(二)锐步公司的案列分析    5
1、网络营销(社会化媒体营销)的方式进行销售    5
2、锐步公司社会化营销的影响    6
3、活动的不足    6
三、天猫锐步网络营销发展策略    6
(一)发展策略特征    6
1、本质特征    6
2、一般特征    7
(二)天猫锐步的网络营销方式    7
1、天猫锐步网络营销概述    8
2、天猫锐步的社会化营销方式    8
四、总结    8
参考文献    10
致 谢    11
