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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712696 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712696
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Taizhou International Jinling hotel food and beverage business in the light of problems and countermeasures

关键词:餐饮经营   服务质量    实施措施

Abstract:with the continuous development of tourism industry,hotel industry also obtained the good development,but the competition  between hotel is becoming more and more big.Restaurant as the hotel’s main economic source of income,if you don’t have good management method,it is difficult to win the competition.TaiZhou international jinling hotel which on the one hand,there are some problems in the food and beverage management,to the detriment of the development of the hotel.In this paper,combined whit their own theoretical knowledge and practical experience,for the analysis of existing problems,and puts forward a series of measures.

Keywords:catering business   service quality  implementation measures

1餐饮经营理论    2
1.1餐饮经营模式    2
1.2餐饮经营要素    2
1.2.1正确的经营指导路线    2
1.2.2富有文化色彩的产品理念    2
1.2.3科学的价格策略    2
1.2.4宾至如归的优良服务    2
1.2.5舒适、优雅的服务环境    3
2 泰州国际金陵大酒店餐饮经营中存在的问题    3
2.1餐饮服务质量较差    3
2.2推销方式不合理    3
2.3菜品缺少特色与创新    3
3 泰州国际金陵餐饮存在的问题的原因分析    4
3.1服务员质量不高    4
3.1.1员工服务态度差    4
3.1.2 员工服务技能低    4
3.2服务员推销技巧缺乏    4
3.2.1 员工推销意识淡薄,方法粗糙,没有创意    4
3.2.2 员工对菜品酒水的不熟悉,不能进行适当的推销    5
3.3菜肴品种单一    5
3.3.1菜肴地方特色不突出    5
3.3.2菜肴缺少创新    5
4改善泰州国际金陵餐饮经营的措施    5
4.1丰富菜肴品种,突出菜肴特色    5
4.1.1针对客人的不同需求,提供不同种类菜品    6
4.1.2大力宣传酒店特色菜肴,树立招牌菜    6
4.2提高推销技巧    7
4.2.1 加强酒店员工推销意识    7
4.2.2 改善酒店推销方式,适时进行活动推销    7
4.3改善餐厅服务质量    7
4.3.1制定科学的激励制度,明确服务要从“心”做起    7
4.3.2加强员工培训,提高员工技能    8
5 结论    8
参考文献    9
