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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712619 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712619
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摘  要

关键词  中小企业   财务风险  防范

With the constant improvement of the socialist market economy in our country and development, as a has the important status in the social and economic development of our country’s economic strength, and played a prominent role in the economy as a whole structure of the small and medium-sized enterprise financial risk problem has been more and more important, and will promptly take effective means and methods about the recognition of financial risk correctly ,to avoid and control problems, has become improve enterprise management efficiency and promote the intrinsic demand of healthy and rapid development of enterprises and the top priority.
Based on the small and medium-sized enterprises as an example, because of the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country today has significant role in the social and economic development and plays an irreplaceable role, and contribution to the development of the national economy is increasing day by day, is full of challenge in the development of the enterprise, however, faced with various risks, including the financial risk to prevent problems in the operation of enterprises plays a role can not be ignored, and small and medium-sized enterprise financial risk situation is not optimistic, small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficulties exist, unreasonable capital structure, frequent financial risk, and a series of problems hindering its healthy development, therefore, we must strengthen the theoretical research of  enterprise financial risk, timely and accurately grasp the real situation of the enterprise financial operation and the current situation of financial risk, and according to enterprise objective reality of the existence of problem, analysis of causes and influencing factors, and be able to apply relevant research to the practice of enterprise financial risk prevention guide, thus further to effectively avoid the financial risk of the enterprise and improve, to set up a financial risk prevention system can follow, to the enterprise to create a safe and stable production and operation environment, improve the level of management, improve the adverse operating conditions, in order to fully realize the goal of enterprise, to ensure that the enterprise’s survival and development.

Key words  small and medium-sized enterprises   financial risk   prevention
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、中小企业财务风险的一般理论    1
(一)财务风险的定义    1
(二)财务风险的基本特征    1
(三)财务风险的类别    2
(四)财务风险本质    3
二、中小企业财务风险的现状    4
(一)从筹资方面分析    4
(二)从投资方面分析    4
 (三)从资金运营方面分析    5
(四)从收益分配方面分析    6
三、中小企业财务风险的影响因素    7
(一)外部环境影响因素    7
(二)企业内部影响因素    8
四、防范中小企业财务风险的措施    12
(一)树立财务风险意识,建立防范处理机制    12
(二)提高财务决策的科学化水平,防止因决策失误而产生财务风险    13
(三)建立财务危机预警系统,提高管理水平    13
   (四)建立财务“预防”机制,正确把握负债经营的“度”    14
   (五)健全中小企业内部控制制度,完善内部控制的制度环境    15
   (六)加强和完善中小企业财务人员教育力度,提高人员素质    15
结  论    17
致  谢    18
参考文献    19
