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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712829 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712829
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摘  要

关键词:物业管理  问题  对策

Introduction to Suzhou Jinke heavenly garden property management problems and countermeasures
Property management is a service industry, is produced by the intangible service.It refers to the employees according to their needs and preferences of the owner and made him get satisfaction and sense of respect, eventually made him feel valued, in the process of service to owners of property service satisfaction.After 35 years of development, has made certain progress, including residential area property management is the main form of property management in our country.The stability and development of community depends on the government policy guidance, and the owners' own quality enhancement.
In progress at the same time, the residential district is faced with many problems hindering the development of the it. This article from Suzhou Jinke heavenly garden residential area property management present situation, comprehensive analysis of Suzhou Jinke heavenly garden property management problems are as follows:From the quality problem of the house legacy, to decorate supervision does not reach the designated position, and then to the owners themselves for the lack of consciousness of property management, etc., and by using the theory of advanced management concept and proposes the corresponding countermeasure, to promote the healthy development of property management industry, improve the residential area property management.
Key words: Property management;Problems;Countermeasures

目  录
前  言    1
一、物业管理概述    2
(一)物业管理的含义    2
(二)物业管理的主要内容    2
二、苏州市及天籁花园小区物业管理概况    3
(一)苏州市物业管理概况    3
(二)金科物业服务集团有限公司简介    3
(三)天籁花园小区物业管理近况    3
三、苏州天籁花园物业管理存在的问题    4
(一)房屋遗留的质量问题    4
(二)工作人员素养问题    4
(三)装修出现的问题    4
(四)车辆管理不到位    6
四、解决苏州天籁花园物业管理问题的对策    6
(一)积极解决遗留问题    6
(二)制定完善的物业管理相关配套法规,建立信用档案    7
(三)提高工作人员的素质    7
(四)提高业主素质    7
(五)拟定健全的装修管理制度    8
(六)加强对车辆的管理    8
结  论    9
致  谢    10
参考文献    11
