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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK712812 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK712812
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摘 要


The sustainable development of human resources is a global problem, with the reform and opening up and joining WTO, all kinds of power enterprises have entered China, with a good environment and income, has strong human resources management ability, therefore, the sustainable development of human resources has become an important issue in our country's economic development. As the core resources of economic resources, human resources are the most valuable resources in all the resources, in order to ensure the utility of human resources is the most, and take the road of sustainable development is imperative. This paper briefly describes the meaning of human resources and sustainable development, the sustainable development of human resources in China, the sustainable development of human resources in China, the reasons for the sustainable development of human resources and the strategic choice of the sustainable development of human resources in China.

Key words:Human resources;Sustainable development;Research

目  录
前 言    1
一、人力资源可持续发展的研究    2
(一)人力资源的含义    2
(二)可持续发展的含义    3
(三)人力资源可持续发展的含义    4
(四)人力资源可持续发展的目的    4
(五)人力资源可持续发展的意义    5
二、我国人力资源可持续发展的状况    6
(一)我国人力资源可持续发展的现状    6
(二)我国人力资源可持续发展存在的问题    6
(三)我国人力资源可持续发展存在问题的原因    7
三、中国现阶段人力资源可持续发展的战略选择    8
(一)我国现阶段人口素质的可持续发展策略    8
(二)面向人力资源可持续发展的教育体制改革    9
(三)建立可持续发展的人力资源培训体系    9
结 论    10
参考文献    11
